《Mr. Zhang yu-tai (張玉台先生乃上任的國務院發展研究中心 Develoment Research Council 主任,現為李偉先生)》。--- No more confidential now
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: George Luk
Date: 2014-08-09 12:39 GMT+08:00
Subject: 給特區的信(66)-重温 The pan-democratic and the mass media (20110601)
To: George1 Luk
George Luk 先生:
(姚一風 代行)
Best Regards,
George Luk
---------- 轉寄的郵件 ----------
(麥佩儀 代行)
Date: 2014-08-09 12:39 GMT+08:00
Subject: 給特區的信(66)-重温 The pan-democratic and the mass media (20110601)
To: George1 Luk
1. 請再看看三年多前的一封舊電郵,希望各方能保持克制,盡量有商有量去解決現時的政改爭議。一直保持低調的沉默大多數、對政治冷感的市民,都已經發出他們的聲音了。
2. 多元社會,有多元意見,是非常常見的事情,不應每每被傳媒、政客引導為社會撕裂。尊重、理解對方的不同意見,心平氣和的討論,慢慢妥協及協調出合理方案,才是探索民主道路的方法。
George Luk
寄件者: CEO
日期: 2011年6月10日上午10:13
主旨: Re: The pan-democratics and the mass media (Cofidential)
收件者: George Luk
George Luk 先生:
(姚一風 代行)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: George Luk
Date: 2011/6/1
Subject: The pan-democratic and the mass media (Confidential)
To: "Mr. Zhang-yutai" , "Mr. Donald Tsang"
Dear Messrs. Zhang/Tsang,
Have to point out that the 『silent majority』, whether in the mainland, the SAR's and overseas appreciate in what's going on in the Greater China. Pls keep on the good work.
The critizising/opposing pan-democratic (C/W some opposing media) wish to really grasp some power in fulfilling their promises to their supporters/audience. They prepare to stand on the centre-stage.
Guess they would try every possible way to make the local & central govt's embarrassed; sometimes, take it to the extremes. ( Just take a look in the past 15 yrs)
So, there's need to prepare for the worst, and hope Beijing would fully understand when situations progressing, the society have to bear some costs. Please consider let some of the opposing fellows (with expertise & enthusiasm in certain areas) can show their contribution to the community, as a whole.
Hope Mr. Zhang could convey the message to the State Council that (mutual understanding among Beijing, & the SAR's of utter importance)
Best Regards,
George Luk
---------- 轉寄的郵件 ----------
日期: 2014年8月6日 下午6:32
主旨: Re: Fwd: 給特區的信(62)- 資源配置(4)
收件者: George Luk
日期: 2014年8月6日 下午6:32
主旨: Re: Fwd: 給特區的信(62)- 資源配置(4)
收件者: George Luk
(麥佩儀 代行)
<如有興趣觀看之前的電郵,請前往連結: http://jet2468.blogspot.hk/ 。網誌內容主要是希望大家能對大陸、香港及週邊地區人士及政府多點理解/體諒,並以一般普羅大眾的觀點,加以進言。>