From: George Luk
Date: 2013/11/3
Subject: 給特區的信(13)-作繭自縛
To: "Mr. Li Wei" , "Mr. C Y Leung"
1. 社會上的百多萬窮人,因為樓價高影響房租貴,於是微薄的收入,被房租吞噬了一大截,另方面高租金又令物價偏高,於是每月可供支配的收入,七除八扣後,所餘無幾以至生活非常拮据。
2. 中產人士則常常變為樓奴,因為香港的樓價中位數(全港九新界計,不是只局限於市區樓),跟稅前收入中位數之比,去年第三季為13.5倍。而超過5倍便是嚴重不可負擔的,可想而知香港的情況跟其他成熟經濟體的嚴重差距。
3. Please click : http://www.demographia.com/dhi.pdf (2013):
The 9th Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey covers 337 metropolitan markets in:-
Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. A supplemental analysis of housing affordability in Singapore is also provided, using available data. The Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey employs the “Median Multiple”(樓價/收入比) (median house price divided by gross before tax annual median household income,in local currency) to rate housing affordability (Table ES-1). The Median Multiple is widely used for evaluating urban markets, and has been recommended by the World Bank and the United Nations and is used by the Harvard University Joint Center on Housing.
4. Housing Affordability in 2012:Housing affordability was little changed in 2012, with the most affordable markets being in the United States, Canada and Ireland. The United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand continue to experience pervasive unaffordability, while the least affordable market is Hong Kong. Major Metropolitan Markets: The 337 markets include 81 major metropolitan markets (those with more than 1,000,000 population).
5. The most affordable major market was Detroit, with a Median Multiple of 1.5, below the historic range of 2.0 to 3.0, reflecting the depressed nature of its economy. Atlanta had a Median Multiple of 2.0 and is experiencing strong demand from a recovering US housing market. Among the other 16 affordable major markets, the lowest Median Multiples were in Cincinnati, Rochester, St. Louis, Cleveland, Indianapolis and Jacksonville. Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston, which are the fastest growing markets with more than 5,000,000 population included in the S此urvey.
6. The most unaffordable major market was Hong Kong, with a Median Multiple of 13.5. (ranked 81st). Vancouver ranked second most unaffordable, at a Median Multiple of 9.5 (80th). Sydney was the third most unaffordable, at 8.3 (79th). San Jose had a Median Multiple of 7.9 (78th), San Francisco and London 7.8 (76th). and Melbourne 7.5 (75th).
7. 全港市民既要承受超高樓價及其帶來的各種社會問題,不應簡單將責任推向政府或指控官商勾結,大部人都有份造成此等問題的出現。基本上,七百多萬人的大城市,總共已建設的市區面積只有約270多平方公里,比起很多歐美澳的一百萬人口的城市還少得多。究竟誰在令港人生活得如此逼迫?
8. 150多平方公里的交通運輸、政府機構及公用事業設施,墳場、火葬場、水塘及河道明渠等等,每個大城市都需要。若外國七、八百萬人口的大城市,已建市區面積達三、四千平方公里的話,比比皆是,用於上面所述的城市設施,隨時會多過二千平方公里(因低密度,平面横向獨立屋的發展,所需道路及各種設施效率非常低)。這些大面積横向發展,加上每人平均需要一部車作出外之用,所消耗的地球資源及能源,肯定比香港發展多二、三百平方公里的市區及集體運輸的消耗多很多(數十倍?一百倍?)希望各壓力團體,可以讓市民生活得輕鬆一點。
George Luk