

寄件者: George Luk
日期: 2013年6月6日下午4:07
主旨: 香港的願景(79)-成本
收件者: "Mr. Li Wei" , "Mr. C Y Leung"


1. 過往政府及親建制人士,不斷要求反對派/泛民應如何放下包袱,何為社會、民生去發展經濟,原來是捨本逐末。其實當權者應切實讓異見人士,有機會為整體社會服務,才可減少分岐,增加社會和諧。

2. 因為「没有最左,只有更左」,故「反傳統、反現有社會制度」的人或事,自古以來都會自然出現,若各擁護現制度人士覺得困擾,那是自尋煩惱。古今中外,每個社會都需要付出各種不同的「成本」,來尋求發展、進步,没有免費午餐。

3. 另一方面,無論政府、建制派、或親大陸人士,所談及的「中國或香港的長遠發展大計」;或反對派、異見人士,不斷提出的「崇高理想或價值觀」,對一般普羅大衆來說,他們並非太瞭解或理解。很多時候,那些議題,對小市民來說,是太凝重了(ideas too grand to discuss, to comprehend),無論報章、網上、電台、電視台的討論,很多時候論者、讀者、聽衆、觀眾、參與者等等,資料不足或所接受的教育、薰陶不足夠,豈能有客觀意見?徒添沒完沒了的爭論。一般小市民,為了日常「衣食住行」,已經煩得要死,太偉大的議題,還是留給仁人智士去討論吧。

4. 附件是九年前的一封電郵,簡單提到普羅大衆最關心的事。胡總及温總不斷指出,只有好好照顧人民的需要,人們才會認真地參與政府的各種「鴻圖大計」。

5. 隨便找來的外國遊行示威時警察的粗暴拘捕示威者,打人,打記者等暴力行為。隨時在 YouTube 的"佔領華爾街" "OWS" 搜尋中找到數以千計的短片,或 RT 俄羅斯電視台( 是否 RT刻意針對美國,不得而知 )的 OWS 搜尋中找到,或如以下短片,來自   www.20minutos.tv 
(需要稍長時間下載,請耐心等等,絶對令人髮指的暴警惡行,應是來自西班牙) 及 
( Occupy Wall Street video: Police attack photographer, violently arrest protest

ers ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgeJf6h6uOc

6. 特區政府或警方,切勿模仿。歐美可以負擔這種長年累月的成本,而特區絶對不



George Luk

---------- 轉寄的郵件 ----------
寄件者: CEO
日期: 2013年6月3日下午2:13
主旨: Re: 香港的願景(78)-答友人問
收件者: George Luk

George Luk 先生:


(姚一風 代行)

Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 5:04 PM
Subject: Sell the '9+2" Plan to the HKSAR Citizens ( 20130605 ver. )

Dear Mr. Tung,

Here's a revised mail previously sent with subject title of Further Proposal on "9+2" (1).

Due to the extremely limited time available, the HKSARG need to sell it vigorously to citizens here :-

Some basic questions, if not properly handled, may be extremely costly. To get people's focused effort and whole-hearted particpation, President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao both once said that, in the first place, the govt. have to take good care of the needs of the people first.

Pls correct me if I'm wrong. I note that HKSARG haven't been pushing enough to promote the benefits brought along and get the participation of the HK citizens towards the "9+2" projects. Thus they aren't that enthusiastic in the matter.

Just a gentle reminder, the HKSARG do need support from talents as well as the general public here and overseas to get it's work moved at "lightning speed" to meet Beijing's demandBeijing's gauging the issue very closely. 

Mr. Hu once said, other regional economic integrations [Central, NE & West, (actually far more than that, another 10+ regions have been added by end of 2012)] will follow the experience from the PPRD ( Pan Pearl River Delta, 9 Provinces +2 SAR’s, “9+2” ). 

At the same time, we should try to fully maximize our benefits from “9+2” & “10+1”, as "9+2" and "10 (ASEAN) +1(China)" are neighbors, geographically & strategically speaking.

The questions below're frequently thought of by most of the general public and some of our civil servants :-

1. Why do we need to do so ?

2. Why're the govt., not properly working for local HK people's benefits and use so much resources working for other mainlanders/regions that're so remote and unfamiliar to us ?

3. What's the immediate benefits in improving our living, employment, job security and so forth ?

4. What're the medium and long term benifits ?

5. We have our own values and culture, what're the vision & values we're focusing for the "9+2" ?

6. When, we can know we've achieved some solid results, at the end of each phrase ?

7. In what way we can co-operate for better efficiency/results ?

8. Can the HKSARG be more transparent in this matter & let the public be more confident of their immediate to mid-term future ?

9. Are there still too little resources put in, thus would probably take away some of ours which we already enjoy ? ( People seldom wish to sacrifice what they've already enjoyed or owned for something that're remote and vague.)



