---------- 轉寄的郵件 ----------
寄件者: George Luk
日期: 2014年12月8日 下午8:45
主旨: 給特區的信(116)-The Lost Generation
收件者: "Mr. Li Wei" , "Mr. C Y Leung" <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
副本: "Mr. Anthony Cheung" <sthoffice@thb.gov.hk>, "Mr. TAM Chi Yuen" <scmaoffice@cmab.gov.hk>, "Mr. TANG Kwok Wai" <scsoffice@csb.gov.hk>, "Mr. Tsang Tak Sing" <sha@hab.gov.hk>, "Ms. TENG Yu Yan" , "tellme@1823" <tellme@1823.gov.hk>, George1 Luk
1. 請重看於 2010年1月6日給Mr. Donald Tsang的一封電郵 - 把握中国东盟自贸区契机 专家倡建北部湾"香港园" & the long-existed world-wide "Lost Generation"---The continuing job crisis is hitting young people especially hard
damaging both their future and the economy。
2. Businessweek 的Peter Coy很好地分析了現世代青年的最重要問題。
3. 廣西社科院副院長古小松認為,香港應該站在更高的角度來思考未來,作出戰略應對。 他建議,特區政府可以向中央政府爭取,在廣西 北部灣地區劃一塊地方,興建一個類似新加坡蘇州工業園模式的“ 香港園”,進而參與推動打造一條從香港到新加坡的沿海產業走廊,從而把握主導地位,立于長久不敗之地。(附件)
4. 加上北京中央已批准的横琴、前海及南沙等發展,在在都可以
George Luk
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2014-12-07 10:24 GMT+08:00
Subject: 轉寄︰ 把握中国东盟自贸区契机 专家倡建北部湾"香港园" & the long-existed world-wide "Lost Generation"---The continuing job crisis is hitting young people especially hard―damaging both their future and the economy
To: LukGeorge <gl2468@gmail.com>
Date: 2014-12-07 10:24 GMT+08:00
Subject: 轉寄︰ 把握中国东盟自贸区契机 专家倡建北部湾"香港园" & the long-existed world-wide "Lost Generation"---The continuing job crisis is hitting young people especially hard―damaging both their future and the economy
To: LukGeorge <gl2468@gmail.com>
George Luk 於 2010年01月6日 (週三) 6:40 PM 寫道﹕
Dear Mr. Tsang,
The link below and the attached are some typical problems of young people world-wide starting from as early as the '90's and some suggestion from Guangxi's scholar/expert for HK. The following's just extract from cover story dated 08/10/09 of Businessweek's Peter Coy's article of :-
The Lost Generation
The continuing job crisis is hitting young people especially hard—damaging both their future and the economy
Bright, eager—and unwanted. While unemployment is ravaging just about every part of the global workforce, the most enduring harm is being done to young people who can't grab onto the first rung of the career ladder.
Affected are a range of young people, from high school dropouts, to college grads, to newly minted lawyers and MBAs across the developed world from Britain to Japan. One indication: In the U.S., the unemployment rate for 16- to 24-year-olds has climbed to more than 18%, from 13% a year ago.
For people just starting their careers, the damage may be deep and long-lasting, potentially creating a kind of "lost generation." Studies suggest that an extended period of youthful joblessness can significantly depress lifetime income as people get stuck in jobs that are beneath their capabilities, or come to be seen by employers as damaged goods.
Equally important, employers are likely to suffer from the scarring of a generation. The freshness and vitality young people bring to the workplace is missing. Tomorrow's would-be star employees are on the sidelines, deprived of experience and losing motivation. In Japan, which has been down this road since the early 1990s, workers who started their careers a decade or more ago and are now in their 30s account for 6 in 10 reported cases of depression, stress, and work-related mental disabilities,according to the Japan Productivity Center for Socio-Economic Development.
When today's unemployed finally do get jobs in the recovery, many may be dissatisfied to be slotted below people who worked all along—especially if the newcomers spent their downtime getting more education, says Richard Thompson, vice-president for talent development at Adecco Group North America, which employs more than 300,000 people in temporary positions. Says Thompson: "You're going to have multiple generations fighting for the jobs that are going to come back in the recovery."
What's more, the baby boom generation is counting on a productive young workforce to help fund retirement and health care. Instead, young people risk getting tracked into jobs that don't pay as well, says Lisa B. Kahn of the Yale School of Management. That would mean lower tax payments for Social Security and Medicare.
Only 46% of people aged 16-24 had jobs in September, the lowest since the government began counting in 1948. The crisis is even hitting recent college graduates. "I've applied for a whole lot of restaurant jobs, but even those, nobody calls me back," says Dan Schmitz, 25, a University of Wisconsin graduate with a bachelor's degree in English who lives in Brooklyn, N.Y. "Every morning I wake up thinking today's going to be the day I get a job. I've not had a job for months, and it's getting really frustrating."
Best Regards,
George Luk
---------- 轉寄的郵件 ----------
寄件者: <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
日期: 2014年12月4日 下午5:36
主旨: Re: 給特區的信(110)- 內地80後青年回應香港學聯的"泱泱大國容不下幾名香港學生"
收件者: George Luk
(麥佩儀 代行)
寄件者: <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
日期: 2014年12月4日 下午5:36
主旨: Re: 給特區的信(110)- 內地80後青年回應香港學聯的"泱泱大國容不下幾名香港學生"
收件者: George Luk
(麥佩儀 代行)
把握中國東盟自貿區契機 專家倡建北部灣"香港園"
14:11:00 新華網
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