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寄件者: George Luk
日期: 2015年8月29日 下午9:55
副本: "hd@1823.gov.hk" <hd@1823.gov.hk>, "Mr. Anthony Cheung" <sthoffice@thb.gov.hk>, "Mr. CHEUNG Wan Ching" <scsoffice@csb.gov.hk>, "Mr. LAU Kong Wah" <sha@hab.gov.hk>, "Mr. MOK Kwan Yu" <dossp@had.gov.hk>, "Ms. TENG Yu Yan" <doe@had.gov.hk>, George1 Luk
及之前的 Cycle of Deflation Revisited - Written: 07/07/05
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日期: 2015年8月29日 下午9:55
主旨: 給特區的信(177)-金融海嘯後各大國極度量寬帶來的種種問題
收件者: "Mr. Li Wei" <drc@drc.gov.cn>, "Mr. C Y Leung" <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>副本: "hd@1823.gov.hk" <hd@1823.gov.hk>, "Mr. Anthony Cheung" <sthoffice@thb.gov.hk>, "Mr. CHEUNG Wan Ching" <scsoffice@csb.gov.hk>, "Mr. LAU Kong Wah" <sha@hab.gov.hk>, "Mr. MOK Kwan Yu" <dossp@had.gov.hk>, "Ms. TENG Yu Yan" <doe@had.gov.hk>, George1 Luk
1. 自從金融海嘯後,2008年11月5日,英國女王伊莉莎白二世在英國倫敦經濟學院一所新大樓落成典禮上說:「這太可怕了,為什麼居然沒有經濟學家看見危機的到來?」當英女王當著一大群傑出的經濟學家的面,提出了這個大哉問,於是當代經濟學家的反省開始了。
2. 近年來,世界重量級經濟學家的批判與反省已多,諾貝爾經濟學家史迪格里茲已明言,當代資本主義已變成了「流氓資本主義」;另一個諾貝爾經濟學家克魯曼則說,「當代的總體經濟學,要不是無用,就是百害」。法國頂級的高等師範經濟博士生,並發明了「自閉經濟學」這個新名詞,來指當代經濟學已成了一種形同知識詐騙的學問。英國經濟評論家克萊恩( Philip Klein)在他的著作《經濟學無視於經濟》中,更明言當代絕大多數經濟學家只會人云亦云的彈唱自由放任的不變老調 。而少數美國頂級大學的經濟學者則控制著各種經濟學報,扮演著經濟學的看門角色,他們只研究瑣碎小問題,對大問題的另類主張則不屑一顧,這乃是近當代的總體經濟學已和現實經濟愈來愈脫節的原因。英國經濟評論家任金斯( Simon Jenkins)更明言,近當代總體經濟學已陷入了崩潰的困境。
3. 其實問題存在已久,只是近日將問題歸咎中國股市下跌、人民幣貶値及大陸經濟能否保‘7’等問題上;卻沒有好好探討各種遠因近因!!
George Luk
---------- 轉寄的郵件 ----------
寄件者: <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
日期: 2015年8月21日 下午5:53
主旨: Fw: 給特區的信(174)-香港樓市之博弈論
收件者: George Luk
(麥佩儀 代行)
(麥佩儀 代行)
----- Original Message -----
To: fso@fso.gov.hk ; KC Chan ; Chan Norman
Sent: Sunday, November 06, 2011 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: How bond may affect You 及 未完的衰退
(1)Martin Weiss 去年2月1日的 The next contagion:.
The next contagion is beginning to spread around the globe. It is unexpected on Wall Street, misunderstood in Washington — and very dangerous. It could sabotage the plans of the U.S. Treasury, the Federal Reserve, and many of their counterparts overseas. It is …The Collapse of Sovereign Government Bonds .
....There is, however, one outstanding silver lining in this new crisis: Sinking government bond prices — bringing surging costs for government borrowing — are the single most powerful market mechanisms for persuading governments to end their print-and-spend madness
(2)去年10月5日,Philip Aldrick,Economics Editor of the Telegraph 所寫的:
Banks' $4 trillion debts are 'Achilles’ heel of the economic recovery', warns IMF(國際貨幣基金會)
“Nearly $4 trillion of bank debt will need to be rolled over in the next 24 months,” the report says。.......
...The report welcomed banks efforts to recapitalise, noting that the average tier one ratio rose above 10pc in 2009, but cautioned that “despite these improvements, banking system risks are more elevated today”. Europe’s financial system, in particular, “remains vulnerable to downside risks and further funding strains if capital buffers are not strengthened”, the IMF said, naming the regional Cajas of Spain and Landesbanken in Germany.
George Luk
<fso@fso.gov.hk> 於 2011年10月15日下午12:53 寫道:
George Luk:
----- Original Message -----
To: FSO ; KC Chan ; Chan Norman
Cc: Mr. Li Wei ; Mr. Donald Tsang
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 11:09 PM
Subject: Fwd: How bond may affect You 及 未完的衰退
Dear all,
過去多年來不斷指出,大規模的世界性金融大災難,不單有機會發生,而且將會持續一段比較長時間。5、7或甚至10年或以上,無人可以預測。(在03年給 CPU「中央政策組」的電郵中提及的美國聯邦債務及赤字,由6.8萬億增至現時的十多萬億,還有政府承諾其國民的 Medicare ,Medicaid,Social Security及退休用的401(K)供款,可能高達幾十萬億)。
可惜最近二、三十年來,全球發明太多的金融新工具,特別是數以萬億計的各種衍生工具:-請參考以下國際結算銀行的圖表:(2010年尾 [OTC 場外衍生工具] 的 Notional Amounts Outstanding 為601萬億美元)
只要有半個百份點的數額出問題,牽連所及,全球的大行,都有機會出事。近月的金融市場,大幅波動,有點兒像雷曼破產後的情況。恒指上落幾百至過千點(正如附件 Fwd: Global economy at different viewpoint [Update 1] 所提及,歐、美大行在香港這全球最自由市場,有如從提款機ATM 提款)。
由於衍生工具增加大行的操作摃扞比率,積累下來太多問題,其實是需要時間及决心去進行「去摃扞化」。 不是 TARP,TALF(Term Asset-Backed-Securities Loan Facility),QE1,QE2,Operation Twist(扭曲操作),將利率、及孽息曲線扭曲;不斷注資入銀行體系,以平錢托高股市,增加財富效應,便可以解決。因為將大行的不良資產,轉為由國家承担,加上大灑金錢去刺激經濟,不斷稅務寬減,終於發債太多,不勝負荷,最終會好像以前阿根庭、俄羅斯、冰島等,需要債務重組或破產。
還有,就是次按爆破後,很多人變成積蓄及房子盡失,加上無工作可做,貧富不均等帶來社會的動盪 。正如過去幾星期的希臘、西班牙、英國、美國的佔領華爾街、佔領支加歌及佔領三藩市等等抗爭行動。 請再參考以下最新的一則評論:
Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! Business Roundtable and Challenger,posted yesterday(October 6, 2011)
The Cycle of Deflation (Chart)
Best Regards,
George Luk
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <fso@fso.gov.hk>
Date: 2010-12-06 21:34 GMT+08:00
Subject: Re: 熾熱的資產價格上升 -- 來自先進經濟體的極度量化寬鬆致熱錢亂竄
George Luk:
Date: 2010-12-06 21:34 GMT+08:00
Subject: Re: 熾熱的資產價格上升 -- 來自先進經濟體的極度量化寬鬆致熱錢亂竄
George Luk:
----- Original Message -----
To: FSO ; Chan Norman
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 11:43 PM
Subject: 熾熱的資產價格上升 -- 來自先進經濟體的極度量化寬鬆致熱錢亂竄
各位 :-
您們好。請留意以下從鏈接中特別指出的幾點 :-
1) HONG KONG (MarketWatch) — The looming prospect of a fresh round of monetary easing by the West’s major central banks is likely to further expand the pool of unwanted liquidity in Asia.
2) “Central banks and governments [in Asia] are likely to continue trying to resist house-price appreciation, and in some instances, currency appreciation. We doubt that there will be any such intervention on equities,” said UBS strategists, led by Niall MacLeod.
The strategists cited recent monetary easing by the Bank of Japan, and expectations of a new round of quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve to recharge a slowing U.S. economy. They added that Hong Kong and India were their two most overweight markets in Asia at present.
3) In emailed comments Monday, HSBC economist Frederic Neumann pointed to the risk of regulatory tightening in the region.”The set-up for Asia is sweet, but hardly sustainable. Easy money is available in the West, and everyone wants a piece of the East. The result: Capital keeps pouring into the region,” he said.“Whispers continue to be heard about capital controls to stem the flood pouring in the door, while local banks are told to tighten lending standards,” Neumann said.
4)He also said that while headline inflation in the region has slowed in recent months, the risk still remains, and there is also a risk that the huge inflows into the region could reverse.“It was only a short two years ago, after all, when markets froze up and left locals scrambling for dollars across the globe.
5)Lending into Asia from Western banks has soared again over the past year. This cash is especially at risk of being suddenly withdrawn,” he said.
“Local market liquidity can thus quickly dry up, with devastating consequences for economic growth,” Neumann said.
6) 其實亦不是新近的事,因為很多人(包括你們及任志剛及曹仁超等等) ,在年內巳不停呼籲;但情況好像有點失控。一旦大量熱錢流走,本地資產價格大幅下滑時;香港經濟有可能被拖垮的。
Best Regards,
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