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令人震驚的擠迫 |
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: George Luk
Date: 2014/1/9
Subject: 給特區的信(24)-正視問題(5)
To: "Mr. Anthony Cheung"
Cc: "Mr. Li Wei" , "Mr. C Y Leung"
1. 約廿年前歐美國家的部份學者,覺得當地民衆的房子太大,為了節省整體地球資源,倡議居所小型化 「 Tiny Home Movement」,但反應麻麻。由於07/08年金融海嘯後,很多人痛失工作及家園,至今失業率仍然高居不下,一般中下階層難以應付高昂的「住大屋」所需開支,於是這個議題又再受大衆注意。
2. 最近在赫芬頓郵報「Huffington Post」的房屋專欄:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/tiny-homes 中有很多討論。Could a Tiny House Movement End Homelessness? 但是只要看看網頁內的圖片,再跟香港的超微型及環境惡劣的居所一比,簡直就是在開玩笑。因為房屋是的確細了很多,但每間屋仍能獨立建築於自己所屬的土地上,而且附近環境可稱為綠草如茵,空間闊落。在本港哪來那麼多土地去建做外國的超小型獨立屋,如果找到土地,都會用來建造高樓大厦以增加房屋供應。
3. 其中一篇「Shocking Aerial Photos Of Cramped Hong Kong Apartments Show Downside Of Tiny Home Living (PHOTOS)」:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/21/hong-kong-apartments-aerial-view_n_2732631.html We're a huge fan of tiny homes--so much so that we even dedicated an entire page to featuring our favorite ones. So it's fair to say, we're always looking through images and movie clips of miniature living spaces. But when we came across a Reddit slideshow submission by omgunc, we realized we've never seen these private spaces with a view from above. And what an incredible vantage point that is. Over 1000 members of the Reddit community chimed in on the photos, giving the thread a diverse forum of reactions (most of which expressed outright disbelief, curiosity or a mash-up of both). A chunk of the comments were personal accounts of living experiences which the users believed were under similar conditions: dorm rooms, micro-apartments and other small living spaces. Others simply couldn't fathom the idea of leading this life.
4. 再看看另一些討論:
In the middle of last year, The Economist released rankings for the world’s most livable cities, and Hong Kong was found at the top. What many people don’t know, however, is that there is a percentage of Hong Kong residents living in rather horrid conditions.
In an attempt to draw attention to the issue, human rights organization Society for Community Organization recently commissioned a series of photographs showing what a number of unacceptable living spaces look like when viewed from directly overhead. (Here’s a larger version of the photo above.)
According to the SoCO, over 100,000 people live in tiny “cubicle apartments” in the city. These are 40-square-foot living spaces created by dividing already-small apartments into multiple units.
According to the SoCO, over 100,000 people live in tiny “cubicle apartments” in the city. These are 40-square-foot living spaces created by dividing already-small apartments into multiple units.
(b)http://www.smh.com.au/world/inside-hong-kongs-incredibly-cramped-cubicle-apartments-20131015-2vk4d.html HONG KONG: On the first floor of a hulking residential building, at the end of a dimly lit corridor, a narrow door opens up into Hong Kong’s economic underbelly.
Twenty-two men live in this particular 42-square-metre apartment in the neighbourhood of Mong Kok, in cubicles each hardly larger than a single bed, stacked above one another along two narrow passageways that end in a dank toilet and shower room.
Each cupboardlike cubicle has a sliding door, a small television, some shelves and a thin mattress. Most of the men have lived here for months, some for years.
“Luckily there is air conditioning. If not, sleeping would be impossible,” said Ng Chi-hung, 55, who is unemployed and occupies one of the bottom bunks. “If you live in such environment, you have to adapt to everything.” Hong Kong’s per-capita gross domestic product is higher than that of Italy, and not far short of those of Britain and France, according to World Bank figures. But for unskilled or semi-skilled people like Ng, the city is a tough place to be, said Wong Hung, an associate professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong who specialises in urban poverty and employment.
5. 怎能不叫港人汗顏:部份人可以在這等惡劣環境一住多年,而另外一些人却可以霸佔着大片土地去耕種,或為了部份環境保育議題而阻礙郊野發展或堆填維港以外的合適地點。公平和公義應如何定義、拿捏?極速增加土地供應,應該是解決香港很大部份尖鋭的社會問題之最佳途徑。
6. 港人其實是世界上最環保的「先進城市」,因為我們的居住面積極少(相對於同樣高GDP per capita的地區而言),各種設施的使用率奇高(效率極高),根本是「從源頭去減少消耗地球的各類型資源」。
---------- 轉寄的郵件 ----------
日期: 2014年1月7日 上午11:23
主旨: Fwd: 給特區的信(23)-正視問題(4)
Mr George LUK:
(容婉霞 代行)
日期: 2014年1月7日 上午11:23
主旨: Fwd: 給特區的信(23)-正視問題(4)
Mr George LUK:
(容婉霞 代行)
<如有興趣觀看之前的電郵,請前往連結: http://jet2468.blogspot.hk/ 。網誌內容主要是希望大家能對大陸、香港及週邊地區人士及政府多點理解/體諒,並以一般普羅大眾的觀點,加以進言。>