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寄件者: George Luk
日期: 2012年3月9日
主旨: CBS 60 分鐘時事雜誌(13/11/2011)- 美國國會議員的內幕交易
收件者: FSO, KC Chan , Chan Norman
Dear all,
寄件者: George Luk
日期: 2012年3月9日
主旨: CBS 60 分鐘時事雜誌(13/11/2011)- 美國國會議員的內幕交易
收件者: FSO, KC Chan , Chan Norman
Dear all,
➀ 著名評論員Steve Kroft 在上述節目中,指出那些國會議員的內幕交易交易是合法的。而無論基金經理,交易員及其他人等,都會犯上刑事罪。請看以下的15分鐘片段 (Steve Kroft reports that members of Congress can legally trade stock based on non-public information from Capitol Hill):-
The script(5 pages,頗長) of "Insiders" aired on 13/11/2011:-
➁ 特別精彩的一段:
But what baffles Baird even more is that the situation has gotten worse. In the past few years a whole new totally unregulated, $100 million dollar industry has grown up in Washington called political intelligence. It employs former congressmen and former staffers to scour the halls of the Capitol gathering valuable non-public information then selling it to hedge funds and traders on Wall Street who can trade on it.
Baird: Now if you're a political intel guy. And you get that information. Long before it's public. Long before somebody wakes up the next morning and reads or watches the television or whatever, you've got it. And you can make real-- real-time trades before anybody else.
Baird says its taken what would be a criminal enterprise anyplace else in the country and turned it into a profitable business model.
Baird: The town is all about people saying-- what do you know that I don't know. This is the currency of Washington, D.C. And it's that kind of informational currency that translates into real currency. Maybe it's over drinks maybe somebody picks up a phone. And says you know just to let you know it's in the bill. Trades happen. Can't trace 'em. If you can trace 'em, it's not illegal. It's a pretty great system. You feel like an idiot to not take advantage of it.
➂ Update on "60 Minutes" report: Insiders
Baird: Now if you're a political intel guy. And you get that information. Long before it's public. Long before somebody wakes up the next morning and reads or watches the television or whatever, you've got it. And you can make real-- real-time trades before anybody else.
Baird says its taken what would be a criminal enterprise anyplace else in the country and turned it into a profitable business model.
Baird: The town is all about people saying-- what do you know that I don't know. This is the currency of Washington, D.C. And it's that kind of informational currency that translates into real currency. Maybe it's over drinks maybe somebody picks up a phone. And says you know just to let you know it's in the bill. Trades happen. Can't trace 'em. If you can trace 'em, it's not illegal. It's a pretty great system. You feel like an idiot to not take advantage of it.
➂ Update on "60 Minutes" report: Insiders
February 13, 2012 12:01 PM
Following Steve Kroft's "60 Minutes" report on insider trading by members of Congress, both the House and the Senate overwhelmingly passed the STOCK Act.
➃ 但結果並非太理想:-as commented by JimJoh February 13, 2012 4:17 PM EST
I understand that Congress/Senate while working to pass a bill to prohibit insider trading, has watered the bill down to such a degree that it would not effective. I highly recommend your 60 minutes team review this newly enacted law and 'again' make visible on your outstanding program - any lack of ethical fairness from those who are in position of responsibility within our government. 60 minutes raised a general awareness of how Washington works - and is great method to keep the heat on those that should abide fairly by the laws of this land.Following Steve Kroft's "60 Minutes" report on insider trading by members of Congress, both the House and the Senate overwhelmingly passed the STOCK Act.
➃ 但結果並非太理想:-
Kind Regards,
➄ 由於香港乃全球性國際金融中心,相信我們的監管條例,不會那麼鬆散吧?
George Luk
George Luk
FSO 於 2012年2月28日下午11:46 寫道:
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