---------- 轉寄的郵件 ----------
寄件者: George Luk
日期: 2015年6月13日 下午7:51
主旨: 給特區的信(159)-兜兜轉轉(2)
收件者: "Mr. Li Wei" <drc@drc.gov.cn>, "Mr. C Y Leung" <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
副本: "hd@1823.gov.hk" <hd@1823.gov.hk>, "Mr. Anthony Cheung" <sthoffice@thb.gov.hk>, "Mr. TANG Kwok Wai" <scsoffice@csb.gov.hk>, "Mr. Tsang Tak Sing" <sha@hab.gov.hk>, "Ms. TENG Yu Yan" <doe@had.gov.hk>, George1 Luk
(姚一風 代行)
(姚一風 代行)
> Dear Mr Luk,
> I refer to your mail of 25.6.2004 to the Chief Executive and am
> authorized to acknowledge receipt of it. Thank you for writing to us.
> Yours sincerely,
> (Herman Tse)
Dear TK,
Attached herewith a file on "Global Restructuring" from Stephen Roach, Beijing's good friend & M.D., Chief Economist of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, who explains what actually happens when an economy changes structurally . He compares experiences of different countries and at the end he mentioned the influence on China and the Chinese economists.
Actually, during the past 8-10 years, HK 's experiencing such change. The downturn of the economy caused by such change and other international issues're out of HKSAR govt.'s control. Strong as the States, Germany & Japan, they all had and still have experience on their recessions. That's the point I think we need to have someone well-accepted to voice out and re-establish the Govt.'s image.
Furthermore, once the rate-hikes commence, the interest on the U.S.country-wide debts would be higher and higher and sooner than expected, will drag or halt its economy. So it's much better for China/HK to pick up asap before our export-oriented/led growth decelerate.
Looking forward to meet you again to offer different perspective in looking at & the follow-up on some macro- and micro- socionomic issues.
----- Original Message -----
From: annageor
To: Lee TK
Cc: Lam K.K.
Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2004 1:25 AM
Subject: Proposal RE: "9+2"
Dear TK,
I refer to our discussion yesterday morning in ur office and would like to summarise the major points for ur consideration, as follows:-
1.HKSAR Gov't have to accept there're necessary costs in order to properly commence/finish the "9+2" in order to achieve the major goals -
(a) successfully liaise, plan, formulate, coordinateand progress, complete all identifiable and workable projects within certain pre-determined criteria and time-frame, in priority
(b) to get the necessary cooperation among various regions/province/ministries in Beijing
(c) to get the full support of the whole SAR communities as well as neigboring communities, as the time resource is extremely limited and the extent extremely huge when comparing just to HKSAR.( approximates a EU but far backwards)
(d) Beijing would closely gauge HK's progress to rate our efficiency, flexibility as the overall results.
(e) how can we maintain free speech/democratic actions in a less confronting environment/situation. HK is still the biggest showcase for such action(s) which are our uniqueness, value and culture here ( just the same as many big international cities ) and shows the openness & ready to hear, discuss nature of Beijing central gov't.
(f) through the platform of CEPA & "9+2" would help the mainland in several areas such as
-creation of jobs for the ever-increasing umployment due to various reasons ;
-to tamper the problem of uneven income between rural and urbanized areas
-thru' better coordination/integration of proper work/services allocation, can lead higher disposable income thus vigorise consumer spending and also raise the % share of the service sector weighting in the total GDP.(more desired segregation of
sectors which contributes a more robust & sustainable economy)
(g)better counter-measures to combat inequality in benefits, opportunities and education, as well as
(h)the help to the SME which are considered the backbone of the economy and it's most resilient during the good & bad times.
2. Personally, I think the relationship with the :
- the increasingly "hot" D-Democrats, and their supporters, the general public,
- the confronting P-Patriotics and their supporters,
- the neigbouring communnities' officials and the general public there,
- Beijing High officials
- and our own SAR Government officials, should be much upgraded so that focused effort can produce the results Beijing wants.
3. I notice that quite a large no. of latest publications edited/compiled with genuine bold ideas, in the China.org.cn-Big 5 edition and many Central Govt's think-tanks, specialized bodies' publications have the necessary blue prints for the modernization/sustainable development of China .
All these blue prints may very much suitable to be our guidelines with specific time-frames and priorities.
Hope these may provide the platform for our projects as well as conveying the ideas to the resisting or confronting groups.
4. As the projects're of such a magnitude that we don't even dream of, extremely huge no. of talents, in tens of thousands or even millions from local( civil servants and private sectors), overseas, neigbouring areas, the existing intellectuals and even some opposing parties members should be included. Recognition and Respect plus sharing of responsibilties & accountabilities always work wonders.
Also the existing gov't staff must need to proportionately enlarge, thru' employment or outsourcing or engagement of specialized consultants.( bearing in mind the time frame, the enormous magnitude, quality and the nature of the projects)
5.For the kind of work to be accomplished, the total project costs and the subsequent revenues bring along, I think it warrants to be far more agressive in our budget proposal and sometimes, even deficit spending can be considered.
In order to get the buy-in of the Democrats/Patriotics/Neighouring regional gov't official/ the general public and even Beijing, special Commission/ Dept/ Semi-gov't bogies and so on together with Image-building and PR/HR/other specialised Consultants should be established to help release the burden from our officials.
6. Besides 5. a large no. of reknown mediators , who're well-received scholars, intellectuals, professionals with neutral mindsets can be invited to follow up on the buy-in of the various non-conforming parties/general public by explaining the imminent situation and urgency of the projects. Such that the responsible SAR official may have ample time in planning and dealing their (9+2) works
7. During this difficult time in securing necessary funding for many highly desirable infrastucture projects may slow down the overal peogress of the project. To help arragement of such not only solve their problem, yet promote HK's status as a leader and will not cause much harm to the existing mainland banking system.
8. Educate HK citizens to take jobs in the "9+2" for transferring of knowledge/experience that can promote our influence to those regions & their people to accept our culture, value, integrity and other merits.
When the more than 400M of the people pick up to standard and quality of living quite close to us, I think the economy will be somewhere near that of EU and thus sustained prosperity can be assured for many decades.
Pls let me have your comments and where & when I can be of help.
日期: 2015年6月13日 下午7:51
主旨: 給特區的信(159)-兜兜轉轉(2)
收件者: "Mr. Li Wei" <drc@drc.gov.cn>, "Mr. C Y Leung" <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
副本: "hd@1823.gov.hk" <hd@1823.gov.hk>, "Mr. Anthony Cheung" <sthoffice@thb.gov.hk>, "Mr. TANG Kwok Wai" <scsoffice@csb.gov.hk>, "Mr. Tsang Tak Sing" <sha@hab.gov.hk>, "Ms. TENG Yu Yan" <doe@had.gov.hk>, George1 Luk
1. 附件中有11年前給北京及特區政府的建議、批評及觀察,部份前立會成員及官員應收到過。没有特別意思,只是想大家明白,「溝通」和「互信」並不能「臨急抱佛脚」,須要時間去建立。
2. 下面的一封,主要是提醒大家,政府不是隨便接收了便算數,因為觀察到官員及高級公務員有盡力爭取。幾年前的地緣政治形勢跟當下的分別、南海問題、TPP( 跨太平洋戰略經濟夥伴關係協議)、 「一帶一路」計劃、中國跟APEC國家,特別是拉丁美洲國家的關係大幅改善之下,引起美、日及部份歐洲國家的緊張,形勢外弛內張,可能是北京比較看緊此次「2017選舉特首」的原因。
3. 另一方面就是大陸的GDP(Nominal),由2000年的約12,050億極速增長至去年約103,600億美元,令很多貿易大國感到憂慮。希望大家可以理解北京的困難。
George Luk
---------- 轉寄的郵件 ----------
寄件者: <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
日期: 2015年4月14日 下午5:42
主旨: Re: 給特區的信(148)- 回顧一下過去的電郵(8) :香港的長遠規
劃及行動(13)- 急需解決的問題
收件者: George Luk
(麥佩儀 代行)
From: George Luk
To: "Mr. Li Wei" <drc@drc.gov.cn>, "Mr. C Y Leung" <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>,
Cc: "hd@1823.gov.hk" <hd@1823.gov.hk>, "Mr. Anthony Cheung" <sthoffice@thb.gov.hk>, "Mr. TANG Kwok Wai" <scsoffice@csb.gov.hk>, "Mr. Tsang Tak Sing" <sha@hab.gov.hk>, "Ms. TENG Yu Yan" <doe@had.gov.hk>, George1 Luk
Date: 04/04/2015 12:05 PM
Subject: 給特區的信(148)- 回顧一下過去的電郵(8) :香港的長遠規劃及行動(13)- 急需解決的問題
(麥佩儀 代行)
From: George Luk
To: "Mr. Li Wei" <drc@drc.gov.cn>, "Mr. C Y Leung" <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>,
Cc: "hd@1823.gov.hk" <hd@1823.gov.hk>, "Mr. Anthony Cheung" <sthoffice@thb.gov.hk>, "Mr. TANG Kwok Wai" <scsoffice@csb.gov.hk>, "Mr. Tsang Tak Sing" <sha@hab.gov.hk>, "Ms. TENG Yu Yan" <doe@had.gov.hk>, George1 Luk
Date: 04/04/2015 12:05 PM
Subject: 給特區的信(148)- 回顧一下過去的電郵(8) :香港的長遠規劃及行動(13)- 急需解決的問題
1. 請重温以下當年的電郵:
『---------- 轉寄的郵件 ----------寄件者: CEO <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>日期: 2011年11月4日 下午9:00
主旨: Re: 香港的長遠規劃及行動(13)- 急需解決的問題
收件者: George Luk <gl2468@gmail.com>
主旨: Re: 香港的長遠規劃及行動(13)- 急需解決的問題
收件者: George Luk <gl2468@gmail.com>
George Luk 先生:
(姚一風 代行)
----- Original Message -----
From: George Luk
To: Mr. Li Wei ; Mr. Donald Tsang
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 8:52 PM
Subject: Re: 香港的長遠規劃及行動(13)- 急需解決的問題
Dear Messrs. Li/Tsang,
George Luk』
2. 實際上過去幾年,上述情況:[大前題是現時的實際情況:泛民各派系與北京、隣近省、市政府,本地公務員及建制各派及商界的關係,不能否認是差了一點(很多時候,甚至可以說是各走極端,常常對着幹)]完全無改善過,試問中央哪會放心不加防範;盡量避免香港出現災難性狀況,及不斷的尷尬場面。况且大陸還要集中精力在她的各式各樣改革。
3. 希望泛民及各反對派能易地而處:試問哪有機構或企業,會願意把一個重要部門交托給完全不想跟高層相討、妥協,亦不願跟其他部門(即鄰近地區及中央部委)合作的人。這已經不是意識形態之爭,而是整個地區的實際運作問題。
4. 常常掛在少數人口中的:如没有這些人所堅持的方法去普選,社會便嚴重撕裂,無法管治等等,北京是不會buy這個說法。因為他們要對全國做的事,比這個重要得太多。
5. 希望泛民及各反對派,能好好收窄彼此間的距離,令整體氣氛,漸趨和洽,盡量減少敵對態度,相應增加溝通。
George Luk
George Luk 先生:
(吳穎嫻 代行)
(吳穎嫻 代行)
---------- 轉寄的郵件
寄件者: George
日期: 2011年7月31日下午10:53
主旨: Re: 香港的長遠規劃(6)-互信
收件者: "Mr. Li Wei" <drc@drc.gov.cn>, "Mr. Donald Tsang" <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
日期: 2011年7月31日下午10:53
主旨: Re: 香港的長遠規劃(6)-互信
收件者: "Mr. Li Wei" <drc@drc.gov.cn>, "Mr. Donald Tsang" <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
Messrs Li
Wei/Donald Tsang:
規劃署及各有關部門推出的1984全港發展策略,1989港口及機場發展策略,1996全港發展策略檢討,2000香港二十一世紀可持續發展研究,2007香港2030 規劃遠景與策略。97回歸後,基於各年度粤港聯席會議,達致大珠江三角洲城鎮群協調發展規劃研究:
• 粵港澳三地規劃主管部門首次共同開展的策略性區域規劃研究
• 於2006年3月正式啟動,研究成果已於2009年10月發佈
• 旨在於「一國兩制」的框架內,以前瞻性的視野考慮和分析大珠三角發展的機遇與挑戰,藉此提出可促進區域整體經濟發展、社會融合和環境改善的空間發展策略
• 研究提供了綱領性的策略建議,為三地政府制定區域合作及跨界政策的參考
• 總體目標:三地合力建設充滿生機與活力、具有全球競爭力的協調可持續的世界級城鎮群
• 粵港澳三地規劃主管部門首次共同開展的策略性區域規劃研究
• 於2006年3月正式啟動,研究成果已於2009年10月發佈
• 旨在於「一國兩制」的框架內,以前瞻性的視野考慮和分析大珠三角發展的機遇與挑戰,藉此提出可促進區域整體經濟發展、社會融合和環境改善的空間發展策略
• 研究提供了綱領性的策略建議,為三地政府制定區域合作及跨界政策的參考
• 總體目標:三地合力建設充滿生機與活力、具有全球競爭力的協調可持續的世界級城鎮群
請參考以下鏈結:「香港與珠三角規劃的互動和反思」研討會 http://www.prdbay.com/UploadFile/20010416170001.pdf
的《環珠江口宜居灣區建設重點行動計劃》研究 2011/4/9公衆論壇滙報
香港政府公務員已經是極為受壓的一羣,還要應付泛珠三角與世界各地的協調;不放手,幾乎是mission impossible。况且有良好法治及制度下,三幾百個有抱負、有理想的泛民人仕加入政府及其他有决策權的諮詢機構,只會令管治更加理想,何樂而不為呢?希望能再加以考慮。
Best Regards,
George Luk
George Luk 先生:存
(姚一風 代行)
Original Message -----
From: annageor
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 1:44
Subject: Focus Effort To Modernize
requested to pass the following emails to President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen
Jiabao for their attention that citizens in the SARs're all patriotic and love
their country as well as the SARs.
They have
the chance to present their ideas and views differently and in many cases,
from different angles & in different perspectives. And these're the SARs
most valuable core values which can include and frankly discuss every
subject/issue among people of different levels/races, but should be in a
more collaborative and not an extremely confronting way as have
pointed out in the proposal.
understand there're too many people quite don't understand the challenges the
Central and even some provincial/local governments're tackling. They also have
too little knowledge on what're the priority of the overwhelmingly
large number of difficult tasks, as a nation, have to face & handle.
I learn a lot from the contents of the various Chinese websites for the
up-to-the-minute information and the strategies of different level of
government bodies. Indeed, some issues of the general public, patriotic,
democratic, central govt., academics, socionomics which have been included in
the various reports in the China.com.cn and related sites. Sometimes they're
overlooked. Of course, nothing's complete without fraud, I suppose many of
them're put up for sensible debate and suggestion.
far as I know, nearly everyone here would like anything to have good
things better and let's get our focused effort to keep up speed with our target
in the most concerted way.
SAR govt. have been pretty open to listen to different views ( although
mostly to parties/people with equal openness and patience and not just
confronting attitudes ) during the last 2 years only.Before that, I
inclined that they preferred to listen to rosy words. As the economy's so bad
that became the centre of all complaints. The moral of the civil servants're
also at historical low that the focal point had been directed to a
small number of high oficials and that's pretty unfair to them.
President Hu/Premier Wen, the attachment's for your information, comments and
hopfully we can commence our communication periodically as the fore-most one in
China among the highest officials and a socionomist from the general public.
Original Message -----
From: "ceo" <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
"annageor" <annageor@netvigator.com>
Friday, July 02, 2004 10:14 AM
[Fwd: Proposal Re : Getting up Speed in "9+2"]
> I refer to your mail of 25.6.2004 to the Chief Executive and am
> authorized to acknowledge receipt of it. Thank you for writing to us.
> Yours sincerely,
> (Herman Tse)
Original Message -----
From: annageor
To: Mr. Tung CW
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 4:24 PM
Subject: Proposal Re : Getting up Speed
in "9+2"
Dear Mr.
I have
to express my appreciation on our civil servants' endurance & efficiency
during all these years of not too good time.
I like the communication with them. Pls get upto full steam ahead in the 9+2
project and inject the necessary resources to fortify them in the handling of
such a huge and overwhelming work.
attachments're fyi and in case you have any comments, pls contact by return
Original Message -----
From: tklee@cpu.gov.hk
To: annageor
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Proposal RE:
Dear George,
Many thanks for your note and would be very pleased to share with you on this subject again. I'll arrange a mutually convenient time in due course.
Many thanks for your note and would be very pleased to share with you on this subject again. I'll arrange a mutually convenient time in due course.
To: "Lee TK" <tklee@cpu.gov.hk> cc: "Lam K.K." <kklam@cpu.gov.hk> "Lau SK" <siukailau@cpu.gov.hk> Subject: Fw: Proposal RE: "9+2" |
Dear TK,
Attached herewith a file on "Global Restructuring" from Stephen Roach, Beijing's good friend & M.D., Chief Economist of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, who explains what actually happens when an economy changes structurally . He compares experiences of different countries and at the end he mentioned the influence on China and the Chinese economists.
Actually, during the past 8-10 years, HK 's experiencing such change. The downturn of the economy caused by such change and other international issues're out of HKSAR govt.'s control. Strong as the States, Germany & Japan, they all had and still have experience on their recessions. That's the point I think we need to have someone well-accepted to voice out and re-establish the Govt.'s image.
Furthermore, once the rate-hikes commence, the interest on the U.S.country-wide debts would be higher and higher and sooner than expected, will drag or halt its economy. So it's much better for China/HK to pick up asap before our export-oriented/led growth decelerate.
Looking forward to meet you again to offer different perspective in looking at & the follow-up on some macro- and micro- socionomic issues.
----- Original Message -----
From: annageor
To: Lee TK
Cc: Lam K.K.
Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2004 1:25 AM
Subject: Proposal RE: "9+2"
Dear TK,
I refer to our discussion yesterday morning in ur office and would like to summarise the major points for ur consideration, as follows:-
1.HKSAR Gov't have to accept there're necessary costs in order to properly commence/finish the "9+2" in order to achieve the major goals -
(a) successfully liaise, plan, formulate, coordinateand progress, complete all identifiable and workable projects within certain pre-determined criteria and time-frame, in priority
(b) to get the necessary cooperation among various regions/province/ministries in Beijing
(c) to get the full support of the whole SAR communities as well as neigboring communities, as the time resource is extremely limited and the extent extremely huge when comparing just to HKSAR.( approximates a EU but far backwards)
(d) Beijing would closely gauge HK's progress to rate our efficiency, flexibility as the overall results.
(e) how can we maintain free speech/democratic actions in a less confronting environment/situation. HK is still the biggest showcase for such action(s) which are our uniqueness, value and culture here ( just the same as many big international cities ) and shows the openness & ready to hear, discuss nature of Beijing central gov't.
(f) through the platform of CEPA & "9+2" would help the mainland in several areas such as
-creation of jobs for the ever-increasing umployment due to various reasons ;
-to tamper the problem of uneven income between rural and urbanized areas
-thru' better coordination/integration of proper work/services allocation, can lead higher disposable income thus vigorise consumer spending and also raise the % share of the service sector weighting in the total GDP.(more desired segregation of
sectors which contributes a more robust & sustainable economy)
(g)better counter-measures to combat inequality in benefits, opportunities and education, as well as
(h)the help to the SME which are considered the backbone of the economy and it's most resilient during the good & bad times.
2. Personally, I think the relationship with the :
- the increasingly "hot" D-Democrats, and their supporters, the general public,
- the confronting P-Patriotics and their supporters,
- the neigbouring communnities' officials and the general public there,
- Beijing High officials
- and our own SAR Government officials, should be much upgraded so that focused effort can produce the results Beijing wants.
3. I notice that quite a large no. of latest publications edited/compiled with genuine bold ideas, in the China.org.cn-Big 5 edition and many Central Govt's think-tanks, specialized bodies' publications have the necessary blue prints for the modernization/sustainable development of China .
All these blue prints may very much suitable to be our guidelines with specific time-frames and priorities.
Hope these may provide the platform for our projects as well as conveying the ideas to the resisting or confronting groups.
4. As the projects're of such a magnitude that we don't even dream of, extremely huge no. of talents, in tens of thousands or even millions from local( civil servants and private sectors), overseas, neigbouring areas, the existing intellectuals and even some opposing parties members should be included. Recognition and Respect plus sharing of responsibilties & accountabilities always work wonders.
Also the existing gov't staff must need to proportionately enlarge, thru' employment or outsourcing or engagement of specialized consultants.( bearing in mind the time frame, the enormous magnitude, quality and the nature of the projects)
5.For the kind of work to be accomplished, the total project costs and the subsequent revenues bring along, I think it warrants to be far more agressive in our budget proposal and sometimes, even deficit spending can be considered.
In order to get the buy-in of the Democrats/Patriotics/Neighouring regional gov't official/ the general public and even Beijing, special Commission/ Dept/ Semi-gov't bogies and so on together with Image-building and PR/HR/other specialised Consultants should be established to help release the burden from our officials.
6. Besides 5. a large no. of reknown mediators , who're well-received scholars, intellectuals, professionals with neutral mindsets can be invited to follow up on the buy-in of the various non-conforming parties/general public by explaining the imminent situation and urgency of the projects. Such that the responsible SAR official may have ample time in planning and dealing their (9+2) works
7. During this difficult time in securing necessary funding for many highly desirable infrastucture projects may slow down the overal peogress of the project. To help arragement of such not only solve their problem, yet promote HK's status as a leader and will not cause much harm to the existing mainland banking system.
8. Educate HK citizens to take jobs in the "9+2" for transferring of knowledge/experience that can promote our influence to those regions & their people to accept our culture, value, integrity and other merits.
When the more than 400M of the people pick up to standard and quality of living quite close to us, I think the economy will be somewhere near that of EU and thus sustained prosperity can be assured for many decades.
Pls let me have your comments and where & when I can be of help.
轉寄的郵件 ----------
寄件者: <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
日期: 2014年9月16日 下午5:16
主旨: Re: 給特區的信(74)-誤會源於缺乏瞭解?
收件者: George Luk <gl2468@gmail.com>
George Luk先生:
(麥佩儀 代行)
寄件者: <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
日期: 2014年9月16日 下午5:16
主旨: Re: 給特區的信(74)-誤會源於缺乏瞭解?
收件者: George Luk <gl2468@gmail.com>
George Luk先生:
(麥佩儀 代行)
From: George Luk
To: "Mr. Li Wei" <drc@drc.gov.cn>, "Mr. C Y Leung" <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>,
Cc: "Mr. Tsang Tak Sing" <sha@hab.gov.hk>, "Ms. TENG Yu Yan" <anneteng@had.gov.hk>, George1 Luk
Date: 08/09/2014 10:29 AM
Subject: 給特區的信(74)-誤會源於缺乏瞭解?
To: "Mr. Li Wei" <drc@drc.gov.cn>, "Mr. C Y Leung" <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>,
Cc: "Mr. Tsang Tak Sing" <sha@hab.gov.hk>, "Ms. TENG Yu Yan" <anneteng@had.gov.hk>, George1 Luk
Date: 08/09/2014 10:29 AM
Subject: 給特區的信(74)-誤會源於缺乏瞭解?
1. 不知有沒有理解錯誤,若2017特首選舉原地踏步的話,2016及2020的立法會選舉亦會維持現行制度,即功能組別選出的議員會起碼維持至2024,之後才有可能由普選產生(最樂觀的預期,是2022普選特首法案在新五步曲獲得順利通過之後的第一次立會選舉)?
2. 其實泛民不乏有理想有抱負的人士,只是大家(泛民及內地)因少溝通、接觸,對大陸的瞭解仍停留在廿多年前的想法,故彼此在思考方式及對情況的掌握,存在相當大的落差。
3. 加深理解可從多方面着手:如讓泛民多些到大陸各地訪問/參觀,接觸大陸的民衆甚至官員。另方面在網上閱讀各大智庫(官方、半官方、民間及中外高等學府合辦的)
4. 請參考以下2013年中國智庫報告,報告為上海社會科學院智庫研究中心的重大研究成果,左下角的連結: http://www.1think.com.cn/ViewArticle/Article_4ffa4a807c07bcf4b4ef9bfbd2a90c8b_20140305_15507.html 2013年中国智库报告(PDF)
5. 另外亦可參考2013 年全球智庫報告,由安邦集團外文團隊、東盟團隊、第一智庫團隊摘譯整理
: http://www.1think.com.cn/ViewArticle/Article_4ffa4a807c07bcf4b4ef9bfbd2a90c8b_20140305_15505.html
2013年全球智库报告(中文)(PDF) 中有關大陸及涉外的報告及評論。
George Luk
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