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九龍城寨未拆卸前 |
---------- 轉寄的郵件 ----------
寄件者: George Luk
日期: 2014年2月7日 上午1:07
主旨: 給特區的信(27)-正視問題(8)
收件者: "Mr. Anthony Cheung" , "Mr. CHAN Mo Po"
副本: "Mr. Li Wei" , "Mr. C Y Leung"
張炳良先生/陳茂波 先生:
1. 現時香港面對的大部份社會問題,如住宅區過份擠迫、居所面積太狹窄、街道上人車太多、社區設施不敷應用,醫院、學校、幼稚園不足,酒店旅館不足,各類型式樓宇、店鋪、商場、寫字樓樓價及租金狂升,中小企及中下階層苦不堪言,人人都滿肚嘮叨,找不到人發洩,便通通歸咎回歸以來,政府及公務員不好好做好份工,令問題纏繞及不斷惡化。其實問題是土地嚴重地短缺,只是港人不肯聚焦在這問題上。
2. 政府及公務員大都駡不還口,因為只要稍稍回應以作解釋,便只有招來更多的指責;這對任何人士都是非常不公道。
3. 請看看附件中幾封十年多前的電郵(曾經看過的,請不要覺得厭煩),因為:
➊ 正如過去近百封電郵,一直指出,各種型式的短、中、長期規劃,從上世紀七八十年代以來,承先啟後,就沒有停頓過或慢下來。
➋ 住屋問題的各種措施,本港在面對如過山車般的環球經濟及樓價高低起伏,應該比較美、歐、日等處理得宜得多。(表面上她們好像將問題平伏,漸漸步入復甦,但極可能好戲仍在後頭)
➌ 從附件中看,自由行帶來的不同問題,特區、廣東省及北京中央政府其實早有盤算,無論CEPA及開放自由行,都是按步實行的。
➍ 在03年前的幾年,所有所謂「惠港措施」(其實甚多是互惠互利的),所需要的籌劃及談判,並非簡簡單單便可以獲得成果,因為90年代以來,大陸進步神速,此消彼長之下,大陸地方政府壯志雄心,不容忽視討價還價的難度,好在親建制及跟大陸有往還的人士,從旁協調,他們跟官員及公務員等的耐性,理應獲得嘉許。但却招來冷言冷語的聲討,認為媚共、將香港被規劃,滿足部份官商勾結,甚或替大陸官員作腐敗勾當。
4. 港人的心理從無好好調較一下:港人習慣在極度擠迫中作息,同時喜歡那種極高密度的生活空間所帶來的效率及方便。 效率、方便,引至平均居住尺數特別小、市區空氣質素差及整體社會要付出相當高的各種代價。
5. 只要在Demographia World Urban Areas 2013報告 http://www.demographia.com/db-worldua.pdf 第17及105頁就可以清楚看到 (A)差不多相同人口的大城市的建成區面積比較,及 (B)相同建成區面積的其他城市的人口比較,優劣立見。
6. 如天馬行空,建成區擴大一倍,從275擴大至550平方公里,香港仍比大部份國際級大城市小,人口密度仍佔高位。但做大個餅的過程,會提供極大量工作給所有港人,並可持續三數十年,另外大陸及東盟十國高速增長帶來的生意及機遇,可令下一兩代人脫貧及向上流動。可惜 大部份港人滿足於人均一百呎之下,似乎無想過人均三、四百呎,更遑論外國土地資源豐富的(Land-rich)地區,三幾十萬美金便可以擁有有前後花園、草地的兩、三千呎獨立屋的優質生活。
George Luk
---------- 轉寄的郵件 ----------寄件者: 日期: 2014年1月29日 下午4:13主旨: Fw: 給特區的信(26)-正視問題(7)
收件者: George Luk
收件者: George Luk
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2014-01-17
Subject: 給特區的信(24)-正視問題(5)
George Luk先生:
(容婉霞 代行)
Date: 2014-01-17
Subject: 給特區的信(24)-正視問題(5)
George Luk先生:
(容婉霞 代行)
Original Message -----
From: "ceo"
Friday, July 02, 2004 10:14 AM
[Fwd: Proposal Re : Getting up Speed in "9+2"]
Dear Mr Luk,
> I refer to your mail of 25.6.2004 to the Chief Executive and am
> authorized to acknowledge receipt of it. Thank you for writing to us.
> Yours sincerely,
> (Herman Tse)
> for Private Secretary to Chief Executive
> I refer to your mail of 25.6.2004 to the Chief Executive and am
> authorized to acknowledge receipt of it. Thank you for writing to us.
> Yours sincerely,
> (Herman Tse)
> for Private Secretary to Chief Executive
Original Message -----
From: annageor
To: Mr. Tung CW
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 4:24 PM
Subject: Proposal Re : Getting up Speed
in "9+2"
Dear Mr.
I have
to express my appreciation on our civil servants' endurance & efficiency
during all these years of not too good time.
I like the communication with them. Pls get upto full steam ahead in the 9+2
project and inject the necessary resources to fortify them in the handling of
such a huge and overwhelming work.
attachments're fyi and in case you have any comments, pls contact by return
Original Message -----
From: tklee
To: annageor
Cc: kklam ; siukailau
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Proposal RE:
Dear George,
Many thanks for your note and would be very pleased to share with you on this subject again. I'll arrange a mutually convenient time in due course.
To: "Lee TK" cc: "Lam K.K." "Lau SK" Subject: Fw: Proposal RE: "9+2" |
Dear TK,
Attached herewith a file on "Global Restructuring" from Stephen Roach, Beijing's good friend & M.D., Chief Economist of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, who explains what actually happens when an economy changes structurally . He compares experiences of different countries and at the end he mentioned the influence on China and the Chinese economists.
Actually, during the past 8-10 years, HK 's experiencing such change. The downturn of the economy caused by such change and other international issues're out of HKSAR govt.'s control. Strong as the States, Germany & Japan, they all had and still have experience on their recessions. That's the point I think we need to have someone well-accepted to voice out and re-establish the Govt.'s image.
Furthermore, once the rate-hikes commence, the interest on the U.S.country-wide debts would be higher and higher and sooner than expected, will drag or halt its economy. So it's much better for China/HK to pick up asap before our export-oriented/led growth decelerate.
Looking forward to meet you again to offer different perspective in looking at & the follow-up on some macro- and micro- socionomic issues.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2004 1:25 AM
Subject: Proposal RE: "9+2"
Dear TK,
I refer to our discussion yesterday morning in ur office and would like to summarise the major points for ur consideration, as follows:-
1.HKSAR Gov't have to accept there're necessary costs in order to properly commence/finish the "9+2" in order to achieve the major goals -
(a) successfully liaise, plan, formulate, coordinateand progress, complete all identifiable and workable projects within certain pre-determined criteria and time-frame, in priority
(b) to get the necessary cooperation among various regions/province/ministries in Beijing
(c) to get the full support of the whole SAR communities as well as neigboring communities, as the time resource is extremely limited and the extent extremely huge when comparing just to HKSAR.( approximates a EU but far backwards)
(d) Beijing would closely gauge HK's progress to rate our efficiency, flexibility as the overall results.
(e) how can we maintain free speech/democratic actions in a less confronting environment/situation. HK is still the biggest showcase for such action(s) which are our uniqueness, value and culture here ( just the same as many big international cities ) and shows the openness & ready to hear, discuss nature of Beijing central gov't.
(f) through the platform of CEPA & "9+2" would help the mainland in several areas such as
-creation of jobs for the ever-increasing umployment due to various reasons ;
-to tamper the problem of uneven income between rural and urbanized areas
-thru' better coordination/integration of proper work/services allocation, can lead higher disposable income thus vigorise consumer spending and also raise the % share of the service sector weighting in the total GDP.(more desired segregation of
sectors which contributes a more robust & sustainable economy)
(g)better counter-measures to combat inequality in benefits, opportunities and education, as well as
(h)the help to the SME which are considered the backbone of the economy and it's most resilient during the good & bad times.
2. Personally, I think the relationship with the :
- the increasingly "hot" D-Democrats, and their supporters, the general public,
- the confronting P-Patriotics and their supporters,
- the neigbouring communnities' officials and the general public there,
- Beijing High officials
- and our own SAR Government officials, should be much upgraded so that focused effort can produce the results Beijing wants.
3. I notice that quite a large no. of latest publications edited/compiled with genuine bold ideas, in the China.org.cn-Big 5 edition and many Central Govt's think-tanks, specialized bodies' publications have the necessary blue prints for the modernization/sustainable development of China .
All these blue prints may very much suitable to be our guidelines with specific time-frames and priorities.
Hope these may provide the platform for our projects as well as conveying the ideas to the resisting or confronting groups.
4. As the projects're of such a magnitude that we don't even dream of, extremely huge no. of talents, in tens of thousands or even millions from local( civil servants and private sectors), overseas, neigbouring areas, the existing intellectuals and even some opposing parties members should be included. Recognition and Respect plus sharing of responsibilties & accountabilities always work wonders.
Also the existing gov't staff must need to proportionately enlarge, thru' employment or outsourcing or engagement of specialized consultants.( bearing in mind the time frame, the enormous magnitude, quality and the nature of the projects)
5.For the kind of work to be accomplished, the total project costs and the subsequent revenues bring along, I think it warrants to be far more agressive in our budget proposal and sometimes, even deficit spending can be considered.
In order to get the buy-in of the Democrats/Patriotics/Neighouring regional gov't official/ the general public and even Beijing, special Commission/ Dept/ Semi-gov't bogies and so on together with Image-building and PR/HR/other specialised Consultants should be established to help release the burden from our officials.
6. Besides 5. a large no. of reknown mediators , who're well-received scholars, intellectuals, professionals with neutral mindsets can be invited to follow up on the buy-in of the various non-conforming parties/general public by explaining the imminent situation and urgency of the projects. Such that the responsible SAR official may have ample time in planning and dealing their (9+2) works
7. During this difficult time in securing necessary funding for many highly desirable infrastucture projects may slow down the overal peogress of the project. To help arragement of such not only solve their problem, yet promote HK's status as a leader and will not cause much harm to the existing mainland banking system.
8. Educate HK citizens to take jobs in the "9+2" for transfering of knowledge/experience that can promote our influence to those regions & their people to accept our culture, value, integrity anfd other merits.
When the more than 400M of the people pick up to standard and quality of living quite close to us, I think the economy will be somewhere near that of EU and thus sustained prosperity can be assured for many decades.
Pls let me have your comments and where & when I can be of help.
----- Original Message -----
> From: "annageor"
> To: "Lam K.K." ; "Chi Wang TE"
> Cc:
> Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 4:05 PM
> Subject: Re: Fw: Possible Solution for Lack of Accommodation for The
> Mainland Tourist in the Forthcoming Months (Confidential)
>> Dear All,
>> Wondering why you take so much time to make up your mind in holding a
>> meeting in respect to the captioned ?
> From: "annageor"
> To: "Lam K.K." ; "Chi Wang TE"
> Cc:
> Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 4:05 PM
> Subject: Re: Fw: Possible Solution for Lack of Accommodation for The
> Mainland Tourist in the Forthcoming Months (Confidential)
>> Dear All,
>> Wondering why you take so much time to make up your mind in holding a
>> meeting in respect to the captioned ?
>> You all should know the words incorporating " FLATION ". "FLATION" by
> itself
>> is not a word in the dictionary. But several words, by adding prefixes to
>> it, have been created :-
>> Inflation Deflation
>> Stagnflation Disinflation
>> Hyperflation Reflation
>> Retroflation
>> I learn from the Government announcements that we've been in deflation for
>> 57 months in a row. If their CPI definition isn't too far away from those
>> as taught in common economics, I see it as a falling or decreasing CPI,
> thus
>> producing negative percentage growth rate. There's less money available to
>> chase available goods & services and thus spiral-down prices without
>> bargaining power.
>> Shouldn't we take appropriate action(s) to take advantage(s) of the CEPA &
>> influx of mainland tourists to shift to the necessary mild inflationary
>> condition.( Before the U.S. economy's getting worse) ( References :- Bob
>> Prechter's "Conquer the Crash"; Richard Russell's Dow Theory Letters ;
> Harry
>> Schultz's HSL ; Mark Faber's GloomDoomBoom.com ; Doug Noland's
>> PrudentBear.com ; Ed. Bugo's Safe Haven Preservation of Capital, &
>> CbsMatchwatch's the Callandra Report. As to the U.S. Federal debts, pls
>> refer to thepublicdebt.com of the U.S. Treasury Dept., which would
> probably
>> show you something around USD 6.8 Trillion in federal debt, with federal deficits
> in
>> the order of $600Billion -$1 Trillion)
>> And shouldn't we try to shed some pressure from the beating yuan ?
>> Best Regards,
>> George
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Chi Wang TE"
>> To: "annageor"
>> Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2003 12:04 PM
>> Subject: Re: Fw: Possible Solution for Lack of Accommodation for The
>> Mainland Tourist in the Forthcoming Months (Confidential)
>> >
>> > Dear Mr. Luk,
>> >
>> > Thank you for your email of today. We would be grateful if you could
>> > submit your suggestions in writing for Financial Secretary's ease of
>> > reference please. Thank you.
>> >
>> > Best regards,
>> >
>> > Chi-wang Te
>> > Assistant Secretary
>> > Financial Secretary's Office
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > "annageor"
>> > To:
>> > com> cc:
>> > Subject: Fw:
> Possible
>> Solution for Lack of
>> > 23/08/2003 11:42 Accommodation for
> The
>> Mainland Tourist in the
>> > |------------| Forthcoming Months
>> (Confidential)
>> > | [ ] Urgent |
>> > |------------|
>> > |-------------------|
>> > | [ ] Return |
>> > | Receipt |
>> > |-------------------|
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Dear Henry,
>> >
>> > I'd like to apologize for my negligence in forwarding the captioned
> email
>> > to Donald, which I intend to send to you.
>> You all should know the words incorporating " FLATION ". "FLATION" by
> itself
>> is not a word in the dictionary. But several words, by adding prefixes to
>> it, have been created :-
>> Inflation Deflation
>> Stagnflation Disinflation
>> Hyperflation Reflation
>> Retroflation
>> I learn from the Government announcements that we've been in deflation for
>> 57 months in a row. If their CPI definition isn't too far away from those
>> as taught in common economics, I see it as a falling or decreasing CPI,
> thus
>> producing negative percentage growth rate. There's less money available to
>> chase available goods & services and thus spiral-down prices without
>> bargaining power.
>> Shouldn't we take appropriate action(s) to take advantage(s) of the CEPA &
>> influx of mainland tourists to shift to the necessary mild inflationary
>> condition.( Before the U.S. economy's getting worse) ( References :- Bob
>> Prechter's "Conquer the Crash"; Richard Russell's Dow Theory Letters ;
> Harry
>> Schultz's HSL ; Mark Faber's GloomDoomBoom.com ; Doug Noland's
>> PrudentBear.com ; Ed. Bugo's Safe Haven Preservation of Capital, &
>> CbsMatchwatch's the Callandra Report. As to the U.S. Federal debts, pls
>> refer to thepublicdebt.com of the U.S. Treasury Dept., which would
> probably
>> show you something around USD 6.8 Trillion in federal debt, with federal deficits
> in
>> the order of $600Billion -$1 Trillion)
>> And shouldn't we try to shed some pressure from the beating yuan ?
>> Best Regards,
>> George
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Chi Wang TE"
>> To: "annageor"
>> Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2003 12:04 PM
>> Subject: Re: Fw: Possible Solution for Lack of Accommodation for The
>> Mainland Tourist in the Forthcoming Months (Confidential)
>> >
>> > Dear Mr. Luk,
>> >
>> > Thank you for your email of today. We would be grateful if you could
>> > submit your suggestions in writing for Financial Secretary's ease of
>> > reference please. Thank you.
>> >
>> > Best regards,
>> >
>> > Chi-wang Te
>> > Assistant Secretary
>> > Financial Secretary's Office
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > "annageor"
>> > To:
>> > com> cc:
>> > Subject: Fw:
> Possible
>> Solution for Lack of
>> > 23/08/2003 11:42 Accommodation for
> The
>> Mainland Tourist in the
>> > |------------| Forthcoming Months
>> (Confidential)
>> > | [ ] Urgent |
>> > |------------|
>> > |-------------------|
>> > | [ ] Return |
>> > | Receipt |
>> > |-------------------|
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Dear Henry,
>> >
>> > I'd like to apologize for my negligence in forwarding the captioned
>> > to Donald, which I intend to send to you.
>> > The following's the content of the previous mail, pls take it as top
>> > priority and confidential. The case's been delayed for quite a while as
>> > beside the 2 below-mentioned offices, quite some others I've approached
>> have
>> > cause some unnecessary delay. And we need to get it ready before the
>> Mainland’s Golden
>> > Holidays ASAP.
>> >
>> > The idea's including the Reits have been considered over a year among my
>> > close friends and I have a friend who can communicate to top guys in
> both
>> > Guangdong and Beijing, he tells that we at HK should take action
>> immediately
>> > without delay.
>> >
>> > Cheers & good health to all !!!
>> >
>> > George Luk
>> >
>> > P.S.I've no intention to include emails to others, but just let you know
>> > I've been struggling to get the right persons to sort things out soonest
>> > and fair to all parties.
>> > Some of the links might not work if they're not archived by the sites.
>> >
>> >
>> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > From: annageor
>> > To:
>> > Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 5:40 PM
>> > Subject: Possible Solution for Lack of Accommodation for The Mainland
>> > Tourist in the Forthcoming Months (Confidential)
>> >
>> > Dear Financial Secretary ( Mr. Henry Tang),
>> >
>> > I've been studing the solution for possible lack of hotel rooms HK when
>> the
>> > Disneyland's being completed in 2005 and the sudden increase of
>> Mainlanders
>> > since 2 years ago due to insreasing nos. of wealthier Mainlanders.
>> >
>> > Hope to have a chance to discuss with you personally as the subject's
>> > becoming more and more imminent
>> > and people here in HK're suffering from too many problems, particularly
>> > financial ones.
>> >
>> > My suggestions'll get immediate solution to many parties :-
>> >
>> > 1) the tourism industry,
>> > 2) the hotelliers,
>> > 3) the HK retail shoppers in general,
>> > 4) the far too many vacant units in HK,
>> > 5) the residential units' owners,
>> > 6) the local developers,
>> > 7) the banks &
>> > 8) the healthier income to the Govt. to combat the deficit etc.
>> >
>> > The following's just for your info. only and pls treat with the
> strictest
>> > confidence.
>> >
>> > Cgeers & good health !!!
>> >
>> > George Luk
>> >
>> > P.S. Hope to have your response soonest.
>> >
>> >
>> > "" Dear Selina,
>> >
>> > The following's fyi only. Pls treat this as highly confidential.
>> >
>> > Actually I've got a plan in mind to help both the HK tourism
> (hotel
>> > rooms
>> > for excessive increase of tourists within a very short time) & the
>> > local
>> > developers, which involves some near- to mid-term revision of some
>> > regulations of the hotel accommodations.
>> >
>> > Shall we talk ? you can reach me email
>> > , pls don't reply directly as I've left
>> > Swire Properties.
>> >
>> > Cheers & good health !!
>> >
>> > George
>> >
>> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > From: "George Luk"
>> > To:
>> > Cc:
>> > Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 1:11 PM
>> > Subject: The Idea of A Pearl River Delta Metropolis
>> >
>> >
>> > > Dear Mr. Lau,
>> > >
>> > > I refer to the several telecons with your Ms Au.
>> > >
>> > > 2 topics've put forward.
>> > > (1) The rising Gold price in the last 1- 1/2 yrs. since the low
> at
>> > Apr.,
>> > > 2001 with the falling USD in the past few months.
>> > > (2) The relationship of HK and the PRD regions :
>> > > (a) I've suggested to some local Developers to voice out the
>> > feasibility
>> > of
>> > > the 24-hrs cross-border issue and participation to the tender of
>> the
>> > 3
>> > > largest lots land auction in Shenzhen.
>> > > (b) I propose to see if some of my friends can be of help in the
>> > closer
>> > > cooperation/relationship among HKSAR and the Region.
>> > > George
>> > The following's the content of the previous mail, pls take it as top
>> > priority and confidential. The case's been delayed for quite a while as
>> > beside the 2 below-mentioned offices, quite some others I've approached
>> have
>> > cause some unnecessary delay. And we need to get it ready before the
>> Mainland’s Golden
>> > Holidays ASAP.
>> >
>> > The idea's including the Reits have been considered over a year among my
>> > close friends and I have a friend who can communicate to top guys in
> both
>> > Guangdong and Beijing, he tells that we at HK should take action
>> immediately
>> > without delay.
>> >
>> > Cheers & good health to all !!!
>> >
>> > George Luk
>> >
>> > P.S.I've no intention to include emails to others, but just let you know
>> > I've been struggling to get the right persons to sort things out soonest
>> > and fair to all parties.
>> > Some of the links might not work if they're not archived by the sites.
>> >
>> >
>> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > From: annageor
>> > To:
>> > Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 5:40 PM
>> > Subject: Possible Solution for Lack of Accommodation for The Mainland
>> > Tourist in the Forthcoming Months (Confidential)
>> >
>> > Dear Financial Secretary ( Mr. Henry Tang),
>> >
>> > I've been studing the solution for possible lack of hotel rooms HK when
>> the
>> > Disneyland's being completed in 2005 and the sudden increase of
>> Mainlanders
>> > since 2 years ago due to insreasing nos. of wealthier Mainlanders.
>> >
>> > Hope to have a chance to discuss with you personally as the subject's
>> > becoming more and more imminent
>> > and people here in HK're suffering from too many problems, particularly
>> > financial ones.
>> >
>> > My suggestions'll get immediate solution to many parties :-
>> >
>> > 1) the tourism industry,
>> > 2) the hotelliers,
>> > 3) the HK retail shoppers in general,
>> > 4) the far too many vacant units in HK,
>> > 5) the residential units' owners,
>> > 6) the local developers,
>> > 7) the banks &
>> > 8) the healthier income to the Govt. to combat the deficit etc.
>> >
>> > The following's just for your info. only and pls treat with the
> strictest
>> > confidence.
>> >
>> > Cgeers & good health !!!
>> >
>> > George Luk
>> >
>> > P.S. Hope to have your response soonest.
>> >
>> >
>> > "" Dear Selina,
>> >
>> > The following's fyi only. Pls treat this as highly confidential.
>> >
>> > Actually I've got a plan in mind to help both the HK tourism
> (hotel
>> > rooms
>> > for excessive increase of tourists within a very short time) & the
>> > local
>> > developers, which involves some near- to mid-term revision of some
>> > regulations of the hotel accommodations.
>> >
>> > Shall we talk ? you can reach me email
>> > , pls don't reply directly as I've left
>> > Swire Properties.
>> >
>> > Cheers & good health !!
>> >
>> > George
>> >
>> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > From: "George Luk"
>> > To:
>> > Cc:
>> > Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 1:11 PM
>> > Subject: The Idea of A Pearl River Delta Metropolis
>> >
>> >
>> > > Dear Mr. Lau,
>> > >
>> > > I refer to the several telecons with your Ms Au.
>> > >
>> > > 2 topics've put forward.
>> > > (1) The rising Gold price in the last 1- 1/2 yrs. since the low
> at
>> > Apr.,
>> > > 2001 with the falling USD in the past few months.
>> > > (2) The relationship of HK and the PRD regions :
>> > > (a) I've suggested to some local Developers to voice out the
>> > feasibility
>> > of
>> > > the 24-hrs cross-border issue and participation to the tender of
>> the
>> > 3
>> > > largest lots land auction in Shenzhen.
>> > > (b) I propose to see if some of my friends can be of help in the
>> > closer
>> > > cooperation/relationship among HKSAR and the Region.
>> > > George
<如有興趣觀看之前的電郵,請前往連結: http://jet2468.blogspot.hk/ 。網誌內容主要是希望大家能對大陸、 香港及週邊地區人士及政府多點理解/體諒,並以一般普羅大眾的觀點,加以進言。>