Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 1:23 PM
To: Mr. Zhang-yutai; Mr. Donald Tsang
Subject: 香港的長遠規劃 & :- China to Become Global Banking King by 2023
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 1:23 PM
To: Mr. Zhang-yutai; Mr. Donald Tsang
Subject: 香港的長遠規劃 & :- China to Become Global Banking King by 2023
Dear Messrs. Zhang/Tsang,
由於近期太多從外國來的消息,相信北京及香港都需要仔細考量,特 別是批判性的正及反的言論,並要多加消化及調校政策。請看下文及 附件(來自鉅亨網及例如其中一個評論:
Economist101 | Jun 2, 2011 09:42 PM ET |
Another useless CNBC article about what will happen 12 years from now. China is a communist dictatorship it will not become the free banking headquarters of the world. What stupidity.
Twelve years ago the yuan was toilet paper. No one would have predicted the changes now or what happens if hyperinflation overtakes the economy.
You can not have any country be the banking capital of the world without the stability and confidence and thats not happening there.
There was no other news worth reporting. people are paid to make reports about fantasy. A dozen years ago the USA was rich and well loved you can not make predictions like this they are worthless.
Twelve years ago the yuan was toilet paper. No one would have predicted the changes now or what happens if hyperinflation overtakes the economy.
You can not have any country be the banking capital of the world without the stability and confidence and thats not happening there.
There was no other news worth reporting. people are paid to make reports about fantasy. A dozen years ago the USA was rich and well loved you can not make predictions like this they are worthless.
and :- China to Become Global Banking King by 2023
China could leapfrog the United States to become the world's largest banking economy by 2023, 20 years earlier than expected, raising pressure on western banks to brush off the effects of the credit crisis and head east.
普華永道表示,中國銀行業市場將在2023年之前超越美國, 成為全球老大,印度也將在2035年之前超越日本, 成為全球第三大銀行業市場。
綜合媒體6月3日報導,全球知名會計師事務所普華永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers) 3日發布報告稱,中國銀行業市場有望在2023年之前超越美國, 成為全球老大,這比之前的預期早了20年。
中國銀行業市值早已領跑全球, 部分銀行甚至還在不斷發展的新興市場大量布局, 抓住年輕人以及越來越多的富人對於金融產品的需求, 擴大市場份額。
此次金融危機導致西方銀行業一蹶不振, 而西方國家更是堅決打算遏制金融機構過度承擔風險, 不斷出臺新監管規則限制銀行行為, 歐美銀行業坐地攬金的日子因此作古。
與之相比,增長最快的七大經濟體(E7)——中國、印度、巴西、 俄羅斯、墨西哥、印度尼西亞以及土耳其——銀行業所受影響相對較 小,而中國銀行業創造的增長速度,更是受到世界矚目。數據顯示, 2010年中國銀行業金融機構實現稅后利潤8,991億元, 同比增長34.5%。
普華永道在報告中預計,到2050年, 全球銀行業資產將增至現如今的四倍至300萬億美元左右。 報告還預計,未來20年內,E7經濟總量將與G7(美國、日本、 德國、英國、法國、意大利、加拿大)持平,未來40年更將遙遙領 先。
要G7的資本、決策或者消費者, 因此成熟經濟體必須花費大力氣讓新興經濟體決策者相信, 吸引外資進入銀行業展開競爭利大於弊。
綜合媒體6月3日報導,全球知名會計師事務所普華永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers) 3日發布報告稱,中國銀行業市場有望在2023年之前超越美國,
報告同時顯示,預計印度也將在2035年之前超越日本, 成為全球第三大銀行業市場。而且,隨著中國人口老齡化問題加重, 印度銀行業市場甚至有可能超越中國。
歐美主要銀行業市場普遍受到此次全球信貸危機重創, 普華永道首席經濟學家霍克斯沃思(John Hawksworth)敦促這些領頭羊留意全球經濟實力快速變遷 的趨勢,在新興市場銀行業發展相對滯后的地區搶奪市場份額。
在普華永道的排名表中,英國國內銀行業資產規模目前位居第四。 報告預計,20年內英國將被印度超越,而在2050年之前, 英國還可能被快速增長的巴西取代。
Best Regards,
George Luk
-----Original Message-----From: CEOSent: Friday, May 27, 2011 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: FW:香港的長遠規劃Dear Mr Luk,
Thank you for your email of 23 May to the Chief Executive. I am authorized to acknowledge receipt of it.
Yours sincerely,
(Alex Yiu)
for Private Secretary to Chief Executive
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