

各種印花稅於20101120日後實施 的SSD,   DSD,   BSD的由來之一(藏富於民及政府庫房,免將所有利潤全數給地產商攞走晒)

寄件者: George Luk 

Date: 2022年8月1日週一 上午11:31
Subject: 給特區的信(499)-解放妨礙發展的枷鎖(2)
To: 夏寶龍先生 <service@hmo.gov.cn>, Mr. John Lee <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
Cc: Mr. Ma Jiantang <drc@drc.gov.cn>, 香港再出發大聯盟 <info@hkcoalition.com>, Dr. CHOI Yuk Lin <sedoffice@edb.gov.hk>, Miss MAK Mei Kuen <shya@hyab.gov.hk>, Mr. LAM Sai Hung <stloffice@tlb.gov.hk>, Mrs. YEUNG HO Poi Yan <scsoffice@csb.gov.hk>, Ms. HO Wing Yin <shoffice@hb.gov.hk>, Ms. LINN Hon Ho <sdev@devb.gov.hk>, Prof. LO Chung Mau <sho@healthbureau.gov.hk>, GeorgeY Luk 



1. 附圖就是過去十多年來,兜兜轉轉去覓地建屋的攪笑版。但劏房戶及其他草根階層却是實際受苦的市民。


2. 政府實際早已察覺問題,並出盡法寶,可惜敵不過反對派及各大利益集團。惟有從「需求管理」入手,設置各種印花稅,去令熾熱的地產市場降温,從而「買時間」去增加土地及房屋供應。


3. 可惜到了今天,市民仍未能自我釋放,再次在土地問題自我設限。希望在今天「愛國愛港者治港」的形勢下,不要再重蹈覆轍。


4. 從以下兩封2010年前後的電郵,可以看到今後兩、三年全球都須要贘還這些年的免費午餐(08金融海嘯後,「過度」印銀紙以谷高經濟,以避免陷入通縮),但卻令絶大部份人瘋狂炒賣。


5. ---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: CEO <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
Date: 2009/11/18
Subject: Re: CE's speech in Singapore yesterday
To: George Luk 


Dear Mr Luk,

Thank you for your email of  14 November to the Chief Executive, sharing with us your views.


Yours sincerely,

 (Julia Hui)

 for Private Secretary to Chief Executive


----- Original Message -----

From: George Luk

To: Mr. Donald Tsang

Cc: Mr. Zhang-yutai

Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2009 

Subject: RE : CE's speech in Singapore yesterday


Dear Mr. Tsang,


I fully agree with your view on the CARRY-TRADE of the USD. Ever since the QE (quantitative easing), the actual interest rate of the dollar is even below the yen.


While the U.S./European banks haven't good confidence in lending, the excess of funds in hand has roaming around the world to look for better yield.


In this way, most asset classes are highly inflated, particularly those Asia ns’, economic growth in the region's considered much better than at home.


But this  won't be  sustainable  as the no-employment recovery in those developed countries won't support consumer spending. This will in turn adversely affect Greater China's export. So we have to encourage  domestic spending  and growth from  Lightning-Speed develoment/investment of our infrastructure.




George Luk


 6. ---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <hkma@hkma.gov.hk>
Date: 2010
1013日週三 下午5:22
Subject: Re: 
熾熱的資產價格上升 -- 來自先進經濟體的極度量化寬鬆致熱錢亂竄
To: George Luk 

Dear George, 

Your email dated 11 October is well received. Thank you for your information. 

Best regards,

Public Enquiry Service
Hong Kong Monetary Authority 


----------------------------------------- Reply History ----------------------------------------- 


 FSO <fso@fso.gov.hk>
"Chan Norman" <ma@hkma.gov.hk>







 "George Luk" 


 11/10/2010 11:44 PM  


 熾熱的資產價格上升 -- 來自先進經濟體的極度量化寬鬆致熱錢亂竄

各位 :- 
您們好。請留意以下從鏈接中特別指出的幾點 :- 
1) HONG KONG (MarketWatch) — The looming prospect of a fresh round of monetary easing by the West’s major central banks is likely to further expand the pool of unwanted liquidity in Asia. 
2) “Central banks and governments [in Asia] are likely to continue trying to resist house-price appreciation, and in some instances, currency appreciation. We doubt that there will be any such intervention on equities,” said UBS strategists, led by Niall MacLeod.

The strategists cited recent monetary easing by the Bank of Japan, and expectations of a new round of quantitative easingQE by the Federal Reserve to recharge a slowing U.S. economy. They added that Hong Kong and India were their two most overweight markets in Asia at present.


3) In emailed comments Monday, HSBC economist Frederic Neumann pointed to the risk of regulatory tightening in the region.

”The set-up for Asia is sweet, but hardly sustainable. Easy money is available in the West, and everyone wants a piece of the East. The result: Capital keeps pouring into the region,” he said.

“Whispers continue to be heard about capital controls to stem the flood pouring in the door, while local banks are told to tighten lending standards,” Neumann said.

He also said that while headline inflation in the region has slowed in recent months, the risk still remains, and there is also a risk that the huge inflows into the region could reverse.

“It was only a short two years ago(2008), after all, when markets froze up and left locals scrambling for dollars across the globe.   Lending into Asia from Western banks has soared again over the past year. This cash is especially at risk of being suddenly withdrawn,” he said.

“Local market liquidity can thus quickly dry up, with devastating consequences for economic growth,” Neumann said.




Best Regards,




7. 財政司給同一電郵的回覆『<fso@fso.gov.hk 2010126日下午9:34 寫道:

George Luk











George Luk


---------- Forwarded message ---------

寄件者: <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
Date: 2022
729日週五 上午10:28
Subject: Re: 
To: George Luk 



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