

寄件者: george Luk
Date: 2020年6月1日 週一 下午3:05
Subject: 給特區的信(382)-迫虎跳牆,與人無尤(2)
To: Mr. Ma Jiantang <drc@drc.gov.cn>, Mrs. Lam Cheng Yuet Ngor <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
Cc: Mr. Frank Chan <sthoffice@thb.gov.hk>, Mr. Nip Tak Kuen <scsoffice@csb.gov.hk>, Mr. TSUI Ying Wai <sha@hab.gov.hk>, Mr. WONG Kam Sing <sen@enb.gov.hk>, Mr. WONG Wai Lun <sdev@devb.gov.hk>, Prof. CHAN Siu Chee <sfhoffice@fhb.gov.hk>, George1 Luk , Mr. Dixon Luk <hk66806686@gmail.com>


1. 過去多年來的反覆勸告,泛民及反對派,只是當耳邊風。他們不斷以各種極端手法去挑戰北京的底線,他們終於爭取到「特區適用的國安法立法」。

2. 過去一年達到無法無天的地步,令到整個城市難以正常運作,一般市民生活於惶恐之中。若非政府以極大耐力去勉強支撐住,相信香港早已步入無政府狀態。很多有心人士提出各種規勸,但不得要領,以下是其中之一。

3. Thin blue line between law and anarchy
City talk  |  Cheng Huan  8 Jul 2019
There is hardly any doubt that the vast majority of our community gives unreserved support to our police force.
In recent weeks, without the loyal hard work and tremendous sacrifice of the police to maintain law and order Hong Kong could have descended into chaos and anarchy.
It is worth reminding ourselves what would happen if such an unhappy occurrence as anarchy were to befall Hong Kong.
It is spelt out very clearly, and ominously, in the Basic Law.
If Hongkong becomes anarchic its autonomy ceases.
The actual words are in article 18 of the Basic Law, which states unequivocally that if there is "turmoil" that "endangers national unity or security and is beyond the control" of Hong Kong, then the National People's Congress can declare a state of emergency and apply the "relevant national laws" in Hong Kong.
Turmoil in Hong Kong gives the mainland the right to enforce its laws - and, of course, the abrogation of the one country two systems principle.
It's one more reason why the tumult within the Legislative Council augurs badly for the well-being of Hong Kong.
The quiet majority must be aghast at the harm the black protesters have done.
A ruthless, highly determined faction, arranged by social media apps, brought Hong Kong to the edge of the cliff that marks the boundary between law and anarchy.
Smashing up Legco is the behavior of anarchists, not the acceptable behavior of demonstrators seeking change.
Some politicians and well-educated people even had the effrontery to suggest the police were setting a trap to discredit the protestors when they allowed them to enter Legco.
I believe such ideas are nonsense.
There are over 30,000 officers who do a brilliant job safeguarding nearly eight million Hongkongers.
The force enjoys the trust and admiration of the overwhelming majority population.
In the past, when there have been rare lapses in the high standards expected of the police, there have been investigations and they are why the Independent Police Complaints Council was set up in 2009.
Any complaint about police behavior is investigated by the Complaints Against Police Office, which in turn has a statutory duty to report to the 30-member IPCC.
The IPCC is appointed from a wide spectrum of society, including lawyers, doctors and businessmen, and boasts of drawing upon the "diverse expertise" of the community.
The IPCC provides a counter-balance to CAPO and enjoys extensive powers further to investigate any complaint. It can come to a divergent view and does not have to agree with CAPO.
Beyond both CAPO and the IPCC, the chief executive has the ultimate power.
Some people are skeptical of the present arrangements regarding the dual roles of CAPO and IPCC, saying the two bodies are weak, ineffective and timid. They are said to take too long to make decisions.
But the strength of the arrangements is that it tries to strike a balance between public trust in the police and the maintenance of social order.
In these perilous times, when the police have been subjected to vitriolic abuse it is more important than ever that society must support the police unequivocally.
Because a segment of the protesters apparently despise the police, it is essential that society does not pander to the demands of the protesters.
To do so will besmirch the reputation of the police, further weakening their self-esteem and morale.
Cheng Huan is an author and a senior counsel who practices in Hong Kong

香港的動盪使大陸有權執行其法律 - 當然還有廢除一國兩制的原則。
清洪 是在香港執業的作家和資深律師.

4. 故泛民及激進反對派應切實檢討自己的行為,盡量/盡快改過。


George Luk


