---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: George Luk <gl2468@gmail.com>
Date: 2018年11月21日 週三 上午10:10
Subject: 給特區的信(286)-及早安排防「經濟滑坡」
To: Mr. Li Wei <drc@drc.gov.cn>, Mrs. Lam Cheng Yuet Ngor <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
Cc: Mr. Frank Chan <sthoffice@thb.gov.hk>, Mr. LAU Kong Wah <sha@hab.gov.hk>, Mr. LAW Chi Kong <scsoffice@csb.gov.hk>, Mr. WONG Kam Sing <sen@enb.gov.hk>, Mr. WONG Wai Lun <sdev@devb.gov.hk>, Mr. Dixon Luk <hk66806686@gmail.com>, George1 Luk , George2 Luk , George3 Luk
Date: 2018年11月21日 週三 上午10:10
Subject: 給特區的信(286)-及早安排防「經濟滑坡」
To: Mr. Li Wei <drc@drc.gov.cn>, Mrs. Lam Cheng Yuet Ngor <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
Cc: Mr. Frank Chan <sthoffice@thb.gov.hk>, Mr. LAU Kong Wah <sha@hab.gov.hk>, Mr. LAW Chi Kong <scsoffice@csb.gov.hk>, Mr. WONG Kam Sing <sen@enb.gov.hk>, Mr. WONG Wai Lun <sdev@devb.gov.hk>, Mr. Dixon Luk <hk66806686@gmail.com>, George1 Luk , George2 Luk , George3 Luk
1. 另一封2009年給時任特首曾蔭權的電郵中,顯示特區政府早已留意到,當年美國積極擴充其貨幣供應,所帶出的美元「利差交易」,會嚴重影響全球經濟,並着手應對,一直維持至今。
2. 若然資產價格開始下跌,不應即時撤消現行規管或調控措施,而應引導投資者有秩序離開,避免產生「骨排效應」;政府手上應該有很多工具可供運用。
3. 應積極投資於各種大型基建,穩定市場信心。另外積極參與大灣區及一帶一路的發展將可令香港再次踏上新臺階。
4. 『---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: CEO <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
Date: 2009/11/18
From: CEO <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
Date: 2009/11/18
Subject: Re: CE's speech in Singapore yesterday
To: George Luk
To: George Luk
Dear Mr Luk,
Thank you for your email of 14 November to the Chief Executive, sharing with us your views.
Yours sincerely,
(Julia Hui)
for Private Secretary to Chief Executive
(Julia Hui)
for Private Secretary to Chief Executive
----- Original Message -----
From: George Luk
To: Mr. Donald Tsang
Cc: Mr. Zhang-yutai
Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2009 10:52 AM
Subject: RE : CE's speech in Singapore yesterday
Dear Mr. Tsang,
I fully agree with your view on the CARRY-TRADE of the USD. Ever since the QE (quantitative easing), the actual interest rate of the dollar is even below the yen.
While the U.S./European banks haven't good confidence in lending, the excess of funds in hand has roaming around the world to look for better yield.
In this way, most asset classes are highly inflated, particularly those Asia ns’, economic growth in the region's considered much better than at home.
But this won't be sustainable as the no-employment recovery in those developed countries won't support consumer spending. This will in turn adversely affect Greater China's export. So we have to encourage domestic spending and growth from Lightning-Speed develoment/investment of our infrastructure.
George Luk』
George Luk
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
Date: 2018年11月20日週二 下午5:24
Subject: 給特區的信(284)-衝出Comfort Zone
To: George Luk
From: <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>
Date: 2018年11月20日週二 下午5:24
Subject: 給特區的信(284)-衝出Comfort Zone
To: George Luk
(麥佩儀 代行)
(麥佩儀 代行)
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