From: George Luk
Date: 2017-06-27
Subject: 給特區的信(243)-可會殃及池魚
To: "Mr. Li Wei" <>, "Mr. C. Y. Leung" <>, "Mrs. Lam Cheng Yuet Ngor" <>
Cc: "Mr. Anthony Cheung" <>, "Mr. CHEUNG Wan Ching" <>, "Mr. LAU Kong Wah" <>, "Mr. MA Siu Cheung" <>, George Luk
1. 以下這篇文章是取材自「Living2024」 , authored by Doug Wakefield
「Looking Back on the Present From the Future」, June 19, 2017.
2. 過去廿多年,西方(特別是美國)各國政府及央行,每逢金融及或大規模經濟危機,都是採取同樣或相近的手法去應對,大印銀紙並大灑金錢,去制造財富。但印銀紙的同時,制造越來越多的債務。世界是没有免費午餐的,遲早債務都要償還,只是用何種方式而矣?錢與債的關係請參考下面Mike Maloney的29分鐘短片。
3. In the fall of 2013 I (the author) released a public article called “Who Needs God, We Have Bankers”. Over the last 2 years I have often thought of changing the title and releasing it again, but the power of the eternal snooze button from financial reality has stopped me.
After recent events, it seemed time to review the idea of “unlimited debt brings ‘stability’; go back to sleep”.
4. The Snooze Button
The one thing about time, is like gravity, there are rules everyone plays by and always will.
Yes, debts had piled up in the trillions since 2013. Yes, it has produced the “wealth effect” assisted by various repetitious algorithmic suppression games, thus creating an even more powerful nirvana in the minds of people.
But the rules of markets and life have not changed since 2013. Thus, the value of asking questions instead of accepting the status quo become even more valuable with each passing year in this central bank/ state promoted mania.
First, let’s review the snooze button from the Oct ’13 article….
5. “The snooze button; what a great invention. When you have awakened from a deep sleep, and know you can get ready in less time, just hit the snooze button. You know it will still awaken you for your test or to get ready for your 8:00 flight, but in the meantime, you can enjoy a few more moments of precious sleep.
However, if you keep hitting snooze and fail to look at the time, you can also awaken to find that the extra sleep has now placed you in a position where you missed the final exam or your flight. The rewards for a few extra moments of sleep have suddenly become very costly.”
…and how Quantitative Easing (or hyper money printing to buy up assets) by central bankers has created the effect of a snooze button among investors worldwide. The higher the prices, the more the sleep, yet higher risk brings a greater need for an alarm to ring.
6. “Since the largest collapse of financial assets in history in 2008, the major central banks in the world, the Bank of Japan, The People’s Bank of China, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, and the oldest of this group, the Bank of England, have worked together to create the largest asset bubbles ever seen while keeping the public in a perpetual state of blissful sleep. The method is actually quite simple.
7. Offer ultra-cheap credit to the global banks by which they can go promote even wilder speculation. Allow extreme levels of leverage in the system, something the general investor seems to never be aware of along the way. If things start looking weak, make certain the standards for collateral against those loans for speculation are LOWERED, allowing even more reckless behavior into the system.”
Now I ask you, were these statements from my October 2013 article correct at that time? If so, based on the actions of these central banks since 2013 it becomes even more important that we understand them in 2017.
If, so, then it must be true that we have more debt in the world today, higher asset values, more complacency, and greater risk not only our money, but our day-to-day use of it.
8. Let’s compare the stats.
December 1913 – Federal Reserve Act passed, establishing the Federal Reserve. US National Debt, $3 Billion
Fall 2013 – US National Debt – $17,000 billion (17 trillion)
Summer 2017 – US National Debt – $20,000 billion (20 tr.)
October 2013 – The combined balance sheet assets of the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of England, and the Swiss National Bank had reached $10 trillion. [Remember, this does not include the People’s Bank of China.]
May 2017 – The combined assets of these 5 major banks had reached $15 trillion.
9. The one thing that has become very clear in the summer of 2017, is that US equity markets since the fall of 2013 are substantially higher, the US national debt is more than twice what it was at the October 2007 top ($9 tr.), the NASDAQ 100 has climbed almost 5 times the level it stood 8.5 years ago, five of the major central banks have purchased 50% more in assets than they had in 2013 with debt they created out of thin air, and the global credit growth has contracted sharply since 2015.
Does this look like “financial stability”?
Is it time we should be asking, “Who Needs Bankers, We Need God”?
10. Time for Discussions on the Moral Ramification of “Unlimited Money”?
Have we placed our “faith” in global central bankers, global political meetings and think tanks to take care of the “big stuff” so we can go about our own lives and plans? If so, have we allowed these global groups to become our gods?
11. When will it be time to return to the past and question the moral ramifications of “unlimited debt” exchanged for artificially inflated “riches”?
12. 以下連結是否百份百凖確?無人能確認,但起碼放在Youtube 三年,六百多萬人點擊看過而仍未被迫下架,相信當中有其存在價值:
(Money and Debt Creation)by Mike Maloney (有中文字幕可選)
The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money 4
發佈日期:2013年10月15日 觀看次數:6,325,071
13. 世界何時出事而大幅影響香港各類資產價格,無人有水晶球?城門失火會否殃及池魚?
George Luk
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寄件者: <>
日期: 2017年6月22日 下午5:31
主旨: Re: 給特區的信(239)-黑天鵝會否再現?
收件者: George Luk
6月15 - 21日致行政長官的電郵收悉,謝謝你的意見。
收件者: George Luk
6月15 - 21日致行政長官的電郵收悉,謝謝你的意見。
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(麥佩儀 代行)
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